“100% Natural” Produce Stickers for Breastfeeding Moms


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BooneOakley, an ad agency in Charlotte, N.C., created a campaign promote breastfeeding that provides “100% Natural,” “Locally Grown,” and “Guaranteed Fresh” stickers as well as posters of women donning the stickers to any “baby-friendly” hospital.

The stickers come with three different health messages:

  • Reduces the risk of obesity by 24%
  • Reduces the risk of SIDS by 36%
  • Reduces the risk of asthma by 24%

The idea is that “100% Natural” stickers reminds mothers that the best nutrition for their baby is breast milk. The stickers can also help nursing mothers keep track of which breast to feed their baby from next.

The first hospital to use the stickers and posters is the Women and Babies Hospital in Lancaster, PA.

Normalizing breastfeeding and encouraging nursing mothers to persevere through the emotionally, mentally, and physically challenging goal of breastfeeding can help increase breastfeeding initiation and duration rates. This is particularly important for Latina mothers for a few reasons: (1) Latinas tend to face more cultural and workplace barriers related to breastfeeding; (2) Latinas are less likely to reach their breastfeeding goals because of these barriers; and (3) Latino kids are disproportionately burdened by obesity and obesity-related chronic disease.

Learn more about this provocative ad campaign to promote breastfeeding here.

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