Guidelines on Feeding Infants During the Month of Life


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What do physicians recommend when it comes to feeding an infant?  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) children should be exclusively breastfed between the ages of 1-6 months. After the first months of life with the guidance of a physician, parents may begin to introduce solid foods but should continue to breastfeed for another 12 months.

Below are some tips from the AAP for feeding infants:

  • Establish a pattern of feeding for a full 4oz of milk, at a set amount of time;
  • During the first month babies may indicate hunger by rooting or by placing a fist in their mouth;
  • Babies should be fed 8-12 times throughout the day (every 2-3 hours);
  • Babies should feed adequately within the first 15-20 minutes (otherwise they may not be latched on well).

For more tips from the AAP click here.


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