Illinois Approves Lactation Accommodation in Airports Act


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On or before January 1, 2017, Illinois (16.7% Latino) airports must provide a private space at each airport terminal for mother’s to express breast milk.

The Illinois public act, Lactation Accommodation in Airports Act, states that these private nursing spaces cannot be in a public restroom and they must include a chair and an electrical outlet.  Chicago O’Hare International Airport had already opened a room for nursing mothers in one terminal in September 2014 and plans to open a room in each of the three other terminals by the end of 2015.

Low breastfeeding and high formula use negatively impact kid’s weight. Not only do health professionals and public health officials agree that breastfeeding is beneficial for the mother and baby, but state lawmakers do as well. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, “breast milk contains antibodies that protect infants from bacteria and viruses. Breastfed children have fewer ear, respiratory and urinary tract infections and have diarrhea less often. Infants who are exclusively breastfed tend to need fewer health care visits, prescriptions and hospitalizations resulting in a lower total medical care cost compared to never-breastfed infants.”

In order to promote breastfeeding, especially among Latina mothers who do not meet federal breastfeeding goals, it is important to eliminate social and environmental barriers related to lack of support and lack of convenience. Providing private places for mothers to breastfeed in public places is a promising strategy to improve breastfeeding rates among Latina mothers and to promote healthy weight goals and prevent childhood obesity.

Learn about this state law.

Read about the nursing room at O’Hare.



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