New Study Shows How When We Eat Matters In Our Ability To Burn Fat


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Following eleven men and women with excess weight over a four-day time period, researchers discovered that when we eat matters.

The researchers tested the men and women in regards to when they ate, having participants eat between 8am to 8pm in one test over four days, and then again from only 8am to 2pm.

Dr. Courtney Peterson and her colleagues who led the study at Pennington Biomedical Research Center discovered that calories burned were not affected, however, decreased hunger swings throughout the day and increased fat burning was a result of participants who ate only from 8am to 2pm. In fact, this time frame of fasting also improved metabolic flexibility.

The average American’s time frames of eating vary, but most Americans eat anywhere from 8am to 8pm.

“These preliminary findings suggest for the first time in humans what we’ve seen in animal models that the timing of eating during the day does have an impact on our metabolism, With additional research on early-time restricted feeding on humans, we can create a more complete picture of whether this innovative method can best help prevent and treat obesity.” Dale Schoeller, Ph.D., FTOS spokesperson for The Obesity Society told Newswise.

To learn more about this study, check out the oral presentation of this study from  The Obesity Society Annual Meeting.

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for every Latino neighborhood, compared to 3 for every non-Latino neighborhood

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