Study: Artificial Sweeteners Make You Eat More, Sleep Less

For decades artificial sweeteners have been a sugar substitute especially among Latinos who have diabetes, but according to a new study, sugar alternatives may cause people to eat more and sleep less, Univision reports. For their research, investigators from Australia gave sucralose (a chemical present in many artificial sweeteners) to fruit flies and mice and discovered that both of these animals consumed more calories than those animals in a real sugar diet. According to the investigators artificial sweeteners cause a neuronal disequilibrium when the brain is tricked into thinking the body is consuming real sugar but the calories are not existent; thus forcing the brain to send the message to the body to eat more. “These results show us that food 'sugar-free' are not as good ...

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Thousands in Coachella Valley Live with Undiagnosed Diabetes

According to a new survey from the Health Assessment and Research for Communities (HARC), a Palm Desert, California nonprofit that specializes in health-related surveying and data, one in 10 adults in California’s Coachella Valley (74.1% Latino population) have been diagnosed with diabetes, yet even more are living with the disease undiagnosed or are at high-risk for developing the disease. HARC determined that 10.3% of adults living in the area (a total of over 36,000 people) have been diagnosed with diabetes, a rise in the prevalence of the disease from 2010 when the survey found 9.1% have been diagnosed. Researchers have long known that people of Latinos are at higher risk for type 2 diabetes than Whites. The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) found ...

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Nueva investigación vincula a las papas con riesgo de presión arterial elevada

Las papas son un ingrediente importante en muchos platos latinos populares, tales como papas con carne, caldos y papas horneadas. Una nueva investigación sugiere que el  comer esta verdura más de cuatro veces a la semana puede aumentar el riesgo de presión arterial elevada, una condición que afecta a millones de latinos en Estados Unidos, informa HealthyDay De acuerdo con investigadores que analizaron datos de más de 180, 000 personas que participaron en tres estudios diferentes en los EE.UU., encontraron que las papas  al horno, hervidas o puré de papa está vinculada con un aumento del riesgo del 11%; comer papas fritas está ligada a un riesgo del 17%. "Las patatas tienen lo que se llama un alto índice glucémico en comparación con otras verduras", dijo el investigador ...

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New Diabetes Resource for Latinos

For those living with it or have members of their family that have the disease, understanding diabetes is important because it can cause serious, life-threatening complications if goes uncontrolled; however, diabetes is also a disease that allows people to live a “normal” life if it is managed well. The National Diabetes Statistics Report determined that nearly 30 million Americans have diabetes, which means that nearly every tenth person is affected by the disease. Studies have also proven that it is the seventh leading cause of death; those who do not die directly from diabetes may find that their life expectancy has been reduced by several years. According to several national surveys, Latinos are nearly twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to be diagnosed with diabetes by a ...

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New Report Outlines Heart Disease Disparities in the Midwest

A new report from the Heartland Regional Health Equity Council addressed the disparities in heart disease in four Midwest states: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. The Heart Disease Disparities Report provides an overview of the demographics and heart disease disparities in these states. Chronic conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes are among the most frequent and costly health conditions in the United States. Latinos are disproportionately burdened by many of these chronic illnesses. The data in the report covers the time period from 2000 to 2010. The data was collected from numerous sources, including online tools, state health department offices, and surveys. Some of the findings from the report include dramatic Latino population increases in the four ...

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Study: Rice May Cause Diabetes

Eating white rice may increase the risk for type 2 diabetes -- a condition that affects millions of Latinos, according to a recent study by Harvard University, Univision reports. For the study, researchers reviewed “four earlier studies involving more than 352,000 people from China, Japan, the United States, and Australia who were tracked between four and 22 years.” At the end of their review, researcher Qi Sun and his team concluded that individuals who have three to four servings of rice a day were 1.5 times more likely to have diabetes than those who ate less. “People should try to make a switch from eating refined carbs like white rice and white bread to eating more whole grains,” Sun told Time magazine. Experts believe the high glycemic index in rice is to ...

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Hearing Impairment Linked to Diabetes

New research suggests type 2 diabetes—a condition that severely affects Latinos in the U.S.—may cause hearing impairment, according to researchers at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center, HealthAim reports. According to the researchers, there’s “compelling evidence” that suggests diabetes damages the auditory system and clinicians should include a hearing test in managing type 2 diabetes. “An association between diabetes and hearing impairment in human subjects has been shown in many, but not all, studies,” said Dr. Elizabeth Helzner, assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the School of Public Health at SUNY Downstate Medical Center. According to the American Diabetes Association, 16.9% of Latinos have ...

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La Organización Mundial de la Salud le declara la guerra a la diabetes

diabetes blood sugar latina girl

En todo el mundo, 1,5 millones de personas mueren cada año por causa de la  diabetes de acuerdo a cifras de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. En los Estados Unidos, la diabetes es la 7ª causa de  muerte y el 12,8% de los latinos en Estados Unidos padece de ella. "La diabetes es una enfermedad antigua que está tomando un peaje cada vez mayor en el mundo moderno. En 1980, 108 millones de adultos padecían de diabetes. Para el año 2014, la cifra había aumentado a 422 millones-8,5 por ciento de los adultos que reflejan un aumento global de los factores de riesgo tales como el sobrepeso o la obesidad. A pesar de que tenemos las herramientas para prevenir y tratarla, la diabetes causa alrededor de 1,5 millones de muertes al año, "dijo el secretario general de la ONU, Ban ...

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The World Health Organization Wages War on Diabetes

Around the world, 1.5 million people die of diabetes each year according to figures from the World Health Organization. In the United States, diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death and 12.8% of U.S. Latinos suffer from it. "Diabetes is an ancient disease that is taking a growing toll on the modern world. In 1980, 108 million adults were living with diabetes. By 2014, that number had risen to 422 million—8.5 percent of adults—reflecting a global increase in risk factors such as being overweight or obese. Even though we have the tools to prevent and treat it, diabetes now causes some 1.5 million deaths a year. High blood glucose causes an additional 2.2 million deaths," said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in commemoration of World Health Day. On its first Global Health ...

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