20 Minutes of Guaranteed Recess for Children Approved by New Jersey Senate


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Recess climb
(Source: Science Daily)

According to a news report, The Association for Childhood Education International estimates that 40% of US schools have reduced or eliminated recess and this number may be even higher among high-minority, underserved populations.

Although, recess is a vital component of a child’s development and physical activity time, students are not always provided with recess on a daily basis. Sen. Shirley Turner (D-Mercer) of New Jersey recently sponsored a bill that would guarantee children at least 20 minutes a day of recess time. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, children should be getting at least 60 minutes a day of physical activity. In this App.com op-ed, three individuals discuss their support for legislation that would give elementary school students in New Jersey 20 minutes of recess a day, by law.

According to this news report, in February of 2013, the bill to guarantee recess in New Jersey unanimously passed the Senate vote.

Read the bill that requires 20 minutes of recess in New Jersey schools.

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