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Residents from the Crestview Neighborhood Association and the Brentwood Neighborhood Association in Austin, Texas expressed a desire to use a 5.5 acre, city-owned, piece of land, for a new park. According to an agenda from the Austin City Council, a resolution to evaluate the feasibility of using property located at 6909 Ryan Drive, for the creation of a pocket park, was brought before the council.
The council approved the resolution and the result is a report which outlines the community vision, the current regulatory authority, existing conditions and development scenarios, and open space opportunities, among other items.
More Information
Austin City Council Agenda, January 17, 2013
The Austin City Council discussed item (no. 54) on the agenda, a resolution which asks the city manager to evaluate the feasibility of converting a city-owned piece of property into a pocket park.
Resolution for Pocket Park in Austin
In this resolution, the Austin City Council asks that the city manager evaluate whether 6909 Ryan Drive, a city-owned property, should be used for an energy-efficient, affordable housing project, with a pocket park or whether the entire piece of land should be used for a park.
Development Scenario Report: Lamar/Justin Lane Austin Energy Site at 6909 Ryan Drive
By The Numbers
of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park