The Colorado Health Foundation has launched a fund to help grocers and other retailers in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods provide fresh and healthy food to those areas. Based on successful programs elsewhere in the United States, the Colorado Fresh Food Financing Fund is the first state-wide fund to target underserved communities known often as "food deserts." The public-private partnership fund will offer the financing to grocers offering affordable and nutritious foods in areas where such goods are hard to find. Learn more about the fund and how to apply ...
In Las Vegas, where over 30% of residents are Latino and more than 7% of the city’s population does not have nearby supermarkets, many kids find their only food options at corner stores. City officials are hoping to get healthier, fresh foods into these ares. The City of Las Vegas Planning Department issued a resolution this year urging the city to increase access to healthy foods for all city residents. They hope to work with grocery stores and medium-sized markets to encourage them to set up stores in underserved areas. Read more ...
Eating healthy foods at a young age often translates to a healthier life as an adult. The state of Missouri is leading the way towards a healthy start for kids with their new healthy child care guidelines. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services created the Missouri Eat Smart Child Care guidelines and made them available to any facility that participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. The state provides technical assistance, sample menus and training available at no fee. What does this look like in practice? At Small Wonders Early Childcare Center in Springfield, they are avoiding artificial sweeteners, added sugars, and highly processed food in favor of whole grains, fruits like kiwi and honeydew, and fresh salads. All meals are served family-style, ...
Many people in Rowan County, N.C., don’t have access to healthy foods – so Jon Barber, a local food advocate and farmers' market owner, is bringing the fruits and vegetables to them. Mobile Farm Fresh is a mobile farmer’s market, built in a retired city bus, to restore healthy food access. The one-aisle mobile grocery store specializes in fresh, whole foods. Live in the area? See when the mobile market is headed your ...
In many communities throughout Chattanooga, there is a shortage of healthy food. Grocery stores are too far for convenient shopping, and fast food or convenience stores have become a main staple for family meals. Fresh food options are not often on the table. A group of community partners has teamed up to bring a mobile market and education programs into some of these neighborhoods. Products will include fresh fruit and vegetables, and a few staples like bread and milk. According to the mobile market's website, prices are comparable to area grocery stores throughout Chattanooga. Get more information and check out the market's schedule ...
In an effort to set a good example to patients and the community, University of Michigan Health System and the University of Michigan Medical School are removing all sugar-sweetened beverages from their campuses. The policy, set to take effect in mid-November, also removes sports drinks, fruit-flavored drinks, energy drink,s and sweetened tea at dozens of its ...
Chester, PA has been without a grocery store since 2001 and more than 54% of families in the city travel too far for groceries, according to a Philabundance Community Survey conducted in July 2010. Philabundance, a non-profit that fighting hunger in the region, is bringing fresh fruits and vegetables back into Chester. Fare & Square, which opened in late September 2013, is a full-service neighborhood grocery store with a focus on fresh, healthy foods. The store boasts competitive prices and incentives for low-income families. Shoppers with annual incomes equal to or less than twice the federal poverty level of around $23,000 for a family of four can accrue 7 percent store credit each time they shop, to be applied toward future purchases. Food assistance, like SNAP and WIC, ...
Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn announced that he is considering the idea of a penny-per-once tax on sugary drinks to a mayoral forum sponsored by the Seattle Parks Foundation in late September 2013. The mayor, who has not proposed this idea formally to city council yet, says the money could be used to fund park expansions and maintenance. Studies show that Latino kids consume more sugary drinks than the national average, but a change in the cost of those drinks could reduce kids' consumption of extra ...
A new website,, offers healthier recipes, tips on how to eat healthier, and ideas about how to help families be more physically active, to promote healthy lifestyle changes and prevent obesity. The site is produced by the California Department of Public Health’s Network for a Healthy ...