National Minority Cancer Awareness Week is April 18-24

April 18-24 is National Minority Cancer Awareness Week (NMCAW), which focuses on minority communities across the U.S. to bring awareness to the impact of cancer in these communities and provide resources to help eliminate disparities in diagnosis and treatment. About 1 in 2 Hispanic men and 1 in 3 Hispanic women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and cancer is the second leading cause of death among Hispanics. For these reasons, cancer screening is extremely important. Latinas, for reasons to get your mammogram, watch our video here or below: Latino men need screening, too. Why? Watch this video here or below to find ...

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Report Highlights How Parks Help People Get Fit

Parks nationwide provide space and opportunity for children and adults to be physically active, but a new review by Active Living Research identifies many ways to further leverage the capacity of America’s parks to help more people achieve recommended physical activity levels. Parks, Playgrounds and Active Living summarizes the growing body of evidence on how park proximity, size and features impact physical activity, especially among populations who are at high risk for being inactive and/or obese. According to the review by Active Living Research grantee Andrew Mowen: Having more parks and more park area in a community is associated with higher physical activity levels. Lower-income populations and some racial and ethnic populations have limited access to parks and ...

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Leading the Fight Against Latino Cancer

Redes En Acción: The National Latino Cancer Research Network, which is funded by the National Cancer Institute and directed by Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez of SaludToday and the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, is celebrating 10 years of work to reduce Latino cancer. Redes has generated more than $200 million in funding for cancer research, trained more than 200 students and health professionals and conducted more than 2,000 community education events, bilingual materials and more. Watch a stirring video here or below about the program’s achievements among Latinos. Then join us! Also, watch the program’s six new PSAs touting Latino cancer prevention in English or Spanish here. To request broadcast-quality formats of the PSAs, email us at ...

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S.A. Teens Photograph Their Neighborhoods to Illustrate Tobacco Problems

SAN ANTONIO—Memorial High School student Victor Hernandez (at right) points to his photograph of a smoked cigarette butt lodged in the crack of a sidewalk. The photo caption starts: “Cigarettes get between everything.” “People might dream to be a doctor, lawyer – then cigarettes get introduced,” Victor said of the photo’s meaning. “With every cigarette it gets harder and harder to quit, you get closer to death. Your original dream goes away.” Victor is one of eight students from Edgewood Independent School District’s Kennedy and Memorial high schools who recently partook in a “Photovoice Smoke-Free” project, where students took photos and wrote captions to visually describe the problem of tobacco to policy- and decision-makers. Read more about the students and ...

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Latino Health News, Stories, Funding & Events

Latinos, check out the latest on Latino health news and stories in the Spring 2010 E-newsletter from the Institute for Health Promotion Research (IHPR) at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, the team behind SaludToday. The newsletter features: S.A. Teens’ Artistic Photos Illustrate Tobacco Problems UTHSCSA Frontera de Salud Med Students Aid Valley Residents WATCH our PSAs on Latino Cancer, HPV Research funding opportunties Health disparities events Health disparities resources For this and much more, check out our new ...

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Help Us Reduce Latino Child Obesity

Join Salud America! and receive news about the latest research, events, funding opportunities and other activities in the fight against Latino childhood obesity. Salud America! The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Research Network to Prevent Obesity Among Latino Children aims to unite and increase the number of Latino researchers and advicates seeking environmental and policy solutions to address Latino childhood obesity. Salud America! is led by the team behind SaludToday. Watch our video here or ...

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New U.S. Cancer Statistics; Broken Down by Racial/Ethnic Group

The 1999–2006 United States Cancer Statistics (USCS): Incidence and Mortality online report offers high-quality cancer incidence statistics for each state having high-quality cancer data. The report, jointly produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in collaboration with the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, features information on more than one million invasive cancer cases diagnosed during 2006 among residents of 48 states, 6 metropolitan areas, and the District of Columbia. The data also are broken down by racial/ethnic group. At the right is a chart of the Top 10 cancer sites for Latino ...

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San Antonio gets $15M to fight child obesity

A $15.6 million federal grant to San Antonio will serve as a “rallying point” in the city's ongoing effort to fight childhood obesity, Mayor Julián Castro said Friday, according to the San Antonio Express-News: The grant was funded through stimulus money and hailed by first lady Michelle Obama, who has taken on the battle against childhood obesity. That's an ongoing struggle in San Antonio, where a recent study showed 30 percent of children age 8 to 10 are obese, with Hispanic children suffering higher rates than others. One of the several ways the city will approach the goal of healthier children is to establish an “Active Living Council of San Antonio” targeting physical activity in the city. On the nutrition side, the city will work with schools, churches, restaurants, ...

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Video: S.A. Mayor to Roll Out Fitness Council

Watch a video of Julián Castro, a Latino and mayor of San Antonio, Texas, who is preparing to roll out a new fitness council for the city. Castro also talks about how he stays fit in office in the video, which is from ...

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