Watch this dramatic video about the obesity epidemic among Latino children. Is it powerful? Are you interested in helping fight the epidemic? Please comment! For more on Latino childhood obesity, visit Salud ...
Watch Dr. Marcia Cruz-Correa, of the University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center, tell about her cancer research and how cancer screening helps people, especially minorities. Find out more about Dr. Cruz-Correa at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer ...
“Daddy, you smell ugly. You smell like smoke.” These words, spoken by his daughter, helped Vicente Escobedo quit smoking.
Vicente, a 21-year-old, hardworking San Antonio native and father of two daughters, is a resource specialist for the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign, where he helps mentor young fathers to make healthy, strong families. He began to realize that he was doing something that wasn’t making his own family strong or healthier – he was smoking.
Vicente first tried cigarettes at age 16. By 18, he was smoking two packs a week. But his daughter’s urging and the soaring price of cigarettes led Vincente to stop smoking.
In the 10 months since he has quit, he has seen how young people think smoking cigarettes makes them cool and macho, and he doesn’t want his daughters ...
The SaludToday blog brings you the latest stories, news, research and information on many different aspects of Latino health, including cancer, obesity and culture’s impact on health. This blog will feature news, polls and stories about Latino life and health, from research on Latino health to interventions to boost fitness and prevent obesity among Latino children to unique stories of Latino cancer survivors, and much more. Sign up with us to comment on blog entries and suggest ...