Community Engagment Brings Complete Streets Policy to Baldwin Park


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A group of over 300 parents and teens joined the Baldwin Park Resident Advisory Committee (BPRAC) in order to bring safer and more walkable streets to Baldwin Park. Advocates attended a series of workshops where they identified areas that needed street-scale improvements like sidewalks and crosswalks. They then went before the city council to express their concerns and to describe what improvements would enable them to walk more.

After speaking with city officials the City of Baldwin Park was able to get a grant to study the streets of Baldwin Park. Eventually a Complete Streets design was presented to advocates and a Complete Streets policy was adopted by the city on July 20, 2011.

The City of Baldwin Park’s Complete Streets Policy

Baldwin Park’s Complete Streets policy seeks to improve transportation conditions for road users of all ages. The policy places a large emphasis on street connectivity stating that the city will improve non-motorized connectivity to schools, parks, and others locations. In addition, the City Council hopes to create Complete Streets Design Guidelines, which will serve to help inform the planning, design, and construction of various projects. Performance measures have been written into the policy, as well as a plan for implementation.

Baldwin Park Recognized for Strongest “Complete Streets” Policy in the Nation

In 2011, Baldwin Park’s Complete Streets policy was recognized by the National Complete Streets Coalition as one of the most comprehensive policies in the U.S.

Linking Efforts: Innovative Partnerships to Advance Policy Making

This slideshow presentation provides an overview of the Healthy changes that have come about through policy changes for residents in the Baldwin Park. Some slides mention the Complete Streets policy that was passed thanks to community engagement of local residents.


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