EATS (Eat Awesome Things At School) Promotes Locally Sourced Foods At Schools For Healthier School Lunches


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Hoping to encourage schools to enjoy healthier local fresh foods, Park City along with concerned school parents are working toward fresh and non-processed meals for the Park City School District.

Partners concerned for the school, are hoping for the school board to reconsider unhealthy food that is currently being served to students.

Presenters including parents, dietitians and the non-profit EATS, requested changes on Tuesday 19th, 2016, to the school board, to remove anything artificial in school lunches.

Although the school has foods that are acceptable under the national nutritional guidelines, they have asked for the schools to remove, artificial colors, preservatives, and sweeteners along with removal of high fructose corn syrup, bleached flour, trans fats and hormones and antibiotics.

The movement of EATS is to help students learn about locally foods and encourage fresh produce, scratch cooking, and school gardens. Awareness programs include snack programs, taste tests, and after school cooking classes.

Studies show that Latino kids eat less calories and less fat and sugar when schools have stricter food and drink nutrition standards.

Nutrition and a child’s wellbeing are so tied together, ” said Ann Bloomquist, the EATS president and Co-Founder.

Many of the board members of Park City School District support the changes, but they also want to ensure the community agrees with the new foods by showing support for school lunches and purchasing the proposed new school lunches.

To support and follow this change on social media tweet or post the hashtag ‪#‎HUNGRYFORHEALTHY or like the EATS Park City Facebook Page.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino parents support public funding for afterschool programs

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