Florida Considers Tax Credits for Stores Selling Healthy Food in Underserved Areas


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During a news event about the proposed tax credits, a large table displayed fresh fruits and vegetables on one end and processed foods like chips and crackers on the other. Source: http://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2015/03/12/food-desert-bill-proposes-business-incentives-healthy-offerings/70231776/

Legislators in Florida are hoping to encourage grocery stores to offer healthy food items in areas where few exist by offering tax credits.

Two bills have been introduced at the State level that would provide tax credits to qualified businesses that offer healthy food. The Senate version of the bill proposes a credit be equal to 20 percent of a business’s annual sales. It would apply to new or existing businesses, including convenience stores. On March 2, the Senate bill won unanimous support in its first stop before the Agriculture Committee.

No votes have taken place with the House bill, but it is currently before the Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee.

Read more about the healthy food access legislation here. 

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