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Here are some new funding opportunities related to Latino childhood obesity:
Health Impact Project
The Health Impact Project is seeking applicants to undertake health impact assessment (HIA) demonstration projects. The grants, of $25,000 to $150,000, aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of HIAs and promote their incorporation into local, state, tribal and federal decision-making. Applications are accepted at any time.
Fund for Better Health
The American Medical Association Foundation is offering Fund for Better Health grants of up to $5,000 that address healthy lifestyle issues, including nutrition and physical fitness. The Fund is not currently accepting applications, but will be again in the spring of 2010.
Improving Diet and Physical Activity Assessments
Several National Institutes of Health (NIH) agencies are seeking applications for grants to support research to enhance the quality of measurements of dietary intake and physical activity. Applications may include development of assessment tools for culturally diverse populations and more. Letters of intent are due May 5, 2010.
NCI Obesity Policy-Related Research
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and other agencies are seeking applications proposing to examine the impact of policies on school nutrition and physical activity, obesogenic behaviors, and weight outcomes. Application deadlines vary. R01 Funding Opportunity; R21 Funding Opportunity; R03 Funding Opportunity
NIH Grants
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) compiles a wide variety of obesity-related research funding opportunities that are currently seeking applications.
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Maternal & Child HealthBy The Numbers
of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)