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According to a March 2013 Houston Independent School District (HISD) news blog, a new Spark park at Berry elementary will display art work that represents the neighborhood’s Latino heritage. A shared use agreement will make this school park available to the community during after school hours. During the school day, educators plan on incorporating the use of this park into their curriculum.

Spark Parks is a non-profit organization based out of Houston that brings uniquely designed parks to underserved areas. Resources to build Spark Parks come from a variety of places including the city’s Department of Housing and Community Development, local school districts, Harris County, the private sector, neighborhood groups, PTA/PTO groups, and concerned citizens. Spark Parks was born out of an inter-local agreement between the Houston Parks Board, the city, and a local school district. Because of interlocal agreements with the city, Spark Parks remain open to the public during weekends and after school.
Spark Park Links
How Spark parks started “Spark Parks: Spark the Imagination”
By The Numbers
of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park