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Kentucky, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Texas and Alabama are among USDA’s top states to receive 2015 Federal funding through the new initiative Local Food, Local Places.
Local Food, Local Places is a federal initiative providing direct technical support to help local food systems and grow local economy as well as help provide community kitchens, food hubs, enhance public spaces for people to walk or bike to farmers markets, and encourage gardens in schools.Communities work together in a holistic approach, with experts from all fields, including public health, environmental, agricultural, transportation, and regional economics.
Harvesting the reports from 2014, the program brought in over 11 billion dollars and showed that local food is growing in popularity and sustainability. Secretary Vilsack said in the article by USDA, that local food is creating new market opportunities for farmers, schools and institutions and that investing in this market will only bring more economic growth for rural American families.
Want to learn more? Check out the Know your Farmer, Know your Food Compass.
By The Numbers
of Latino parents support public funding for afterschool programs