More from Report: Black, Latino Kids See More Fast-Food Ads


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The Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity’s new report, Fast Food FACTS: Evaluating Fast Food Nutrition and Marketing to Youth, includes more information about fast-food ads seen by Latino and black youths.

As reported by the Multi-American blog:

There is considerable evidence that exposure to marketing for fast food is even higher among African American and Hispanic youth. African American youth view almost 50% more TV advertisements for fast food than do white children and adolescents. Although differences in advertising exposure can be attributed in large part to the greater amount of time that African American and Hispanic youth spend watching television, fast food restaurants appear to disproportionately target African Americans and Hispanics with their marketing efforts. For example, fast food ads appear more frequently during African American-targeted TV programming than during general audience programming.

Fast food advertisements are also prevalent on Spanish-language television networks, comprising nearly half of all ads. Billboards for fast food restaurants appear significantly more often in low-income African American and Latino neighborhoods.

Fast food restaurants located in poorer African American neighborhoods also promote less-healthful foods and have more in-store advertisements compared to restaurants in more affluent, predominantly white neighborhoods.

Multi-American ends its blog with this statement relating to Southern California:

“The scarcity of healthy food options in low-income neighborhoods – a phenomenon dubbed “food deserts” – continues to be a problem in portions of Los Angeles County that are predominantly Latino and African-American. Community activists in South L.A. succeeded in obtaining a temporary moratorium on the development of new stand-alone fast food restaurants, which expired recently; community groups and city officials are still trying to work out a permanent solution.”

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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