News: California taqueria owners add healthier foods


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From the Salinas Californian

Several restaurants in Monterey County, Calif., have added healhier items like yogurt with fruit, oatmeal and trans-fat meals to their traditional taqueria fare, according to the Salinas Californian.

The restaurants took part in an initiative to teach taqueria owners about healthier foods. About 14 of the 16 owners who participated began to offer healthier side dishes, and seven added entrees with fewer calories and fat, but with more fruits and vegetables.

For years, county officials have educated owners of taquerias, staples of Latino communities, about nutrition and helped them add healthier food options to their menus.

One of the owners, Gloria Del Real (pictured), now cooks with olive oil rather than soybean oil.

The program was featured in a recent issue of Health Promotion Practice.

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