Search Results for "rural"

Research: Rural Latino Youth Park Use & Physical Activity

Creating environments that are safe and conducive to physical activity is important for encouraging Latino Youth to be active. In this research article, researchers Cynthia Perry, Brian Saelens, and Beti Thompson found that a higher quality of parks and amenities were associated with greater participation in after school programming among Latinos. Learn more about what researchers found in the following article: Rural Latino Youth Park Use: Characteristics, Park Amenities, and Physical ...

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Childhood Obesity Prevention Strategies in Rural Communities

Learn more about childhood obesity prevention in rural communities from this toolkit. The toolkit provides resources and best practices for introducing environmental and systems changes in each one of the following areas: Early Care & Education Schools Out-of-School Time Other Community Initiatives Health Care Access the Childhood Obesity Prevention Strategies in Rural Communities toolkit here. ...

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CPR Training Rates Lower in Poor, Rural, Minority U.S. Communities

CPR cardiac arrest first aid training heart

CPR training rates are lower in poor, rural, Hispanic and other minority-heavy U.S. regions, a new study shows, HealthDay reports. Timely bystander CPR can boost the odds of survival for those who experience cardiac arrest outside of the hospital, but the new study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found exceedingly low CPR training rates in its examination of 13 million people in across 3,100 counties. Specific findings included: ...fewer people are trained in CPR in the South, Midwest and West...counties with the lowest rates of CPR training—less than 1.3 percent of the population—were also more likely to have a greater proportion of rural areas, black and Hispanic residents, and a lower average household income. These areas also had fewer doctors and, on average, older ...

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Grassroots group works with rural schools to open recreation spaces

MHP (formerly known as Migrant Health Promotion) and Alice Independent School District partner to create a shared use agreement to make school-owned recreational areas—gyms, playgrounds, parks, and walking trails—available to the public after school hours, adding a much-needed physical activity option in a largely Latino population, at high risk of obesity and related health complications. EMERGENCE Awareness: Robert De Leon, a former program director at MHP—an organization that has provided leadership in health promotion, program development, and advocacy for migrant farmworkers and their families and other isolated communities since 1983—was increasingly concerned about high obesity rates in South Texas. In 2011, MHP applied for a Texas Health Initiative’s Community ...

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Hit or Miss? The Updated Federal Rules on Roadway Traffic Control

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD).

In December 2023, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released the final rule adopting the nearly 1,200-page 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD). The MUTCD is the national standard for all road marking, highway signs, and traffic signals. Three years prior, the FHWA requested public comments on the proposed changes to the then-700-page MUTCD, which hadn’t been updated since 2009. More than 25,000 people submitted public comments. That included nearly 450 of the model comments developed by our team at Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio. Let’s explore how the FHWA hit the mark for improvement (or missed an opportunity) for five key areas of concern in our model comments and those of other transportation ...

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New Cancer Cases Projected to Surpass 2M Historical High

New cancer cases are projected to surpass 2 million in 2024 - a first in for the U.S., according to American Cancer Society’s Cancer Facts & Figures 2024 report.  The landmark projection amounts to 5,500 diagnoses a day.  The American Cancer Society attributes the rise in cases to a growing and aging population along with an increase in diagnoses of six common cancers – breast, prostate, endometrial, pancreatic, kidney, and melanoma.  In addition, the organization is projecting over 611,000 deaths from cancer in 2024, a .19% increase from 2023. That is more than 1,600 deaths each day!  While cancer is prevalent across people of all races, ethnicities, ages, genders, and backgrounds, it disproportionately continues to affect people of color, such as Latinos.  Cancer in ...

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Comment Now: Help Close the Digital Divide in Texas!

Having fast, affordable internet can improve lives with access to education, healthcare, and jobs, among other important opportunities.  But nearly 7 million Texans are being left behind, without high-speed internet.   With this in mind, the Texas Broadband Development Office (BDO) is encouraging public comments on the proposed Texas Digital Opportunity Plan.   The digital opportunity plan focuses on “closing the digital divide in Texas and ensuring every Texan has the skills and abilities to fully and safely utilize broadband access.”   Submit a comment on the draft plan to address broadband access, affordability, and adoption in Texas by Friday, Jan. 5, 2024.   Comment NOW! Why Is the Digital Divide an Issue?  About 2.8 million Texas households are in the ...

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Are COVID-19 Vaccines Free for Children?

Latino and Black parents were less likely than White parents to say they felt their child was “very safe” from COVID-19 when they were at school, according to a recent study.  How can you protect your children?   Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and your children against the worst outcomes of the virus – and COVID-19 vaccines are available and free for children!  Let’s explore how “You’re Covered” against COVID-19!  COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations for Children  As of Sept. 12, 2023, CDC recommends that everyone ages 5 and older get one dose of an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness from COVID-19.  CDC recommends the 2023-2024 updated COVID-19 vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Novavax, to protect against ...

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Dr. David Acosta: Meeting the Need for Latinos in Medicine

Growing up, David Acosta was blessed to be part of a loving Latino family with his mother and father, four brothers, and an abuelita in Southern California.   They found joy in helping each other and others.  Acosta realized in childhood he wanted to choose a future career that would bring joy to others – he decided to become a doctor.  "I knew from an early age that I wanted to go into medicine and help out,” Acosta said. “My family [was] probably most instrumental in me going down this path.”  Acosta went on to get his medical degree, practice medicine, and now serves as chief diversity and inclusion officer at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).    But his path wasn’t always easy.  The Cultural Side of Medicine   Acosta was ...

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