Search Results for "alzheimer's"

Physical Activity Releases Brain-Healthy Protein

brain health physical activity

A growing body of research suggests that physical activity is associated with maintaining a strong and healthy mind, boosting memory and learning, and possibly delaying age-related cognitive decline. A new study supported by the National Institute for Health (NIH) and published in Cell Metabolism found a specific protein secreted by skeletal muscle cells during physical activity that enters the bloodstream and can cross the blood-brain barrier, which is noteworthy because not all proteins cross it. In mice, this protein is thought to be neuro-protective and associated with the production of new neurons in part of the brain associated with memory, thus physical activity induced secretion of this protein may prevent or delay Alzheimer's disease.. Adults who exercise more ...

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Study: Memories Lost Can Be Recovered

Patients with early signs of Alzheimer’s disease, a condition that affects Latinos disproportionately, are often incapable of remembering recent experiences or events. However, a new study by MIT indicates that Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t destroy memories; instead “they just can’t be easily accessed,” Univision reports. For the study, researchers stimulated specific areas of the brain of lab rats with blue light and found that they were able to access memories they previously couldn’t remember. “The important point is, this a proof of concept," said Susumu Tonegawa, lead study author. "That is, even if a memory seems to be gone, it is still there. It’s a matter of how to retrieve it.” According to the authors, the results of their study show that there’s ...

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