A video made by Healthy Places, Healthy People in Austin that features AISD Chef Steven Burke talking about the redesigned school lunch lines and other efforts being taken in AISD to make healthy eating the norm in Austin ...
According to this press release, childhood obesity in Georgia has dropped by 5 percent. This would place Georgia at a national rank of 17th, down from the 2nd most obese state in the country. Officials believe that these promising numbers are largely the result of Georgia SHAPE, the Georgia Student Health and Physical Education Act of 2009. ...
This blog announces the adoption of a Complete Streets Resolution by the Georgia Department of Transportation. Supporters of the policy include Georgia Bikes!, The Atlanta Bicycle Coalition, and The Atlanta Regional Commission. ...
Gerry Garcia, a Chula Vista high school senior, decided to make a difference in his community through working to bring about improvements to a local park. Lack of physical activity is a major problem in San Diego county. Therefore, Gerry worked with local residents and city officials to create a safe place for local children to play and ...
This video describes how FitnessGram works and how the use of this tool can help kids increase their levels of physical activity, while they perform better academically. ...
This flyer demonstrates the Safe Routes to School path that will be constructed near two schools located at the Northwest side of San Antonio's 7th district. ...
Three studies published in PLOS: Medicine found that taxes on carbonated drinks and saturated fat and subsidies on fruits and vegetables would be associated with beneficial dietary change, with the potential for improved health. Additional research into possible compensatory purchasing and population health outcomes is needed, the study states. Read the study ...
This press release announces the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) December 2012 report, entitled "A Review of Food Marketing to Children and Adolescents: Follow-Up Report." The report is said to describe the expenditures, marketing techniques, and nutritional profiles of food marketed to children. Over $1.79 billion in food marketing to children ages 2-17 is spent annually. The report compares data from 2006 to data collected in 2009 from 48 large food and beverage ...