In addition to food marketers, app and plugin developers should be aware that they must be comply with updated COPPA restrictions about collection of personal information from users under age 13. The COPPA amendments will take effect on July 1, ...
The Community Parks Revitalization Act would authorize three grant programs which would aid in the creation, or reconstruction of parks and recreation ...
The CDC's report on current state policies that regulate competitive foods in schools and how closely (or not) those policies aligned with the Institute of Medicine's Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools. With the new national guidelines for competitive foods in schools under consideration, this report shows which states will need to change their standards the most. How did your state do? ...
The complete draft of the HB 1105 filed during the 82(R) legislative session by representatives Harper-Brown, Keffer, Rodriguez, Morrison, and McClendon. This is the House companion bill to SB 513 which was filed by Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston). ...
This resolution describes the growing problem of obesity in Utah and recognizes the need to support policies that promote increased access to healthy food and physical activity. ...
At the 111th Congress, a group of 132 Representatives co-sponsored the Urban Revitalization and Livable Communities Act along with 30 organizations who endorsed the legislation. If this legislation were to pass four federal grants to match local funds would be made available for the purpose of increasing the number of recreational facilities and promoting physical activity. ...
The Facebook page for AARP's Calles Completas Initiative. This site provides updates on the implementation of Complete Streets in Puerto Rico. Citizens of Puerto Rico are also encouraged to post pictures of their streets to this website. ...