South Carolina to Eliminate Junk foods from School Vending Machines and Lunchrooms


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There is a bill now in front of the House Education Committee that will eliminate certain foods that are considered “junk foods” from lunch rooms and vending machines in South Carolina.

The bill would also allow for only water, 100% fruit juice, and fat-free or low-fat milk to be offered in schools. Changing regulations would require the snacks served in the lunch room or in vending machines must not have more than 200 calories, 35% of total calories from fat, 35% of their total weight composed of sugar, or 10% of their total calories from saturated fat.

These rules will only apply to events and locations during the school day, and will not be regulated during after school clubs, activities, or fundraisers. The regulation of food and nutrition at fundraisers will be debated in the future and is a controversial topic in many schools.

Read here for more details about the bill and the specific changes that are going to be made in South Carolina.


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