Story: Rodriguez Quits Smoking for Her Family


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5Rosalie Rodriguez (pictured at left) has been a smoker for the past 14 years – pretty much all of her adult life.

Now she’s ready to change that, and she’s set a date to quit.

What made her quit? Rosalie considered quitting for the sake of her own health after her father, a smoker for 38 years, developed bladder cancer as a result of smoking.

“I had never even heard of cancer of the bladder being caused by smoking,” said Rosalie. “But then I thought, you know what? I need to stop because (smoking can lead to) lung cancer and heart disease – all that and more.”

She has another big reason for quitting – her 14-year-old son.

“I’m doing it for health reasons because I want to be there as long as I can to see my son and his kids and to have a longer life,” she said.

Read more here about how Rosalie quit. Read about more Latinos who have successfully quit smoking here.

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of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage

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