Success Stories
Get inspired by our Salud Hero stories and videos, which show real champions of change who drive policies and environments for health in our families, schools, and communities!
Rosa Herrera: Get the Vaccine for Your Family!
Rosa Herrera knows how difficult the battle with COVID-19 can be. Two of her daughters were really sick with COVID-19 in October 2020 and were hospitalized during their infections. Herrera herself got sick, too, but had a mild case. “It was really scary. I couldn’t see them and since both of them were hospitalized at ...
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Discover Salud Heroes

Agency’s Legal Aids Brings Hope, Stress Relief for Florida Latinos
Many Latino immigrants arrive in Broward County, Fla. (27% Latino) with no community ties, no possessions, no (or little…
Embracing Immigrants, Healthcare Access, Healthy & Cohesive Cultures, Healthy Families & Schools, Mental Health
Nonprofit Offers Bilingual Counseling to Help Latinos Enroll in Healthcare
Health issues disproportionately plague the immigrant community in Broward County, Fla. (27% Latino), as they often lack…
Healthcare Access, Healthy Families & Schools, Mental Health
Growing Healthier Schools
UrbiCulture Community Farms are making school lunches look a little more like a garden with their new school garden prog…
Healthy Families & Schools, Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
Teacher Helps Get Water Safety Classes for Students with Special Needs
Linda Joseph, a special needs teacher in Florida, with some of the highest drowning rates in the country, wanted to make…
Education, Green & Active Spaces, Healthy Families & Schools
Drowning Prevention Advocates Teach Water Safety to Kids Under 5
In the past 15 years, the drowning rate of school-age children in Broward County, Fla., has plummeted thanks in part to…
Green & Active Spaces
Neighborhood Association Pushes City for More Walkable Streetscape
Nicolas Rivard and Allison Hu, urban designers in San Antonio and members of Dignowity Hill Neighborhood Association, le…
Green & Active Spaces, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities, Transportation & Mobility
Harvesting the Neighborhood for Fresh Fruit
Two architecture and urban planning graduate students from the University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) recognized good fr…
Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
San Antonio Clinic Brings Healthcare to the Underserved
The east side neighborhood of San Antonio (63.2% Latino) struggles with socioeconomic hardships, health disparities, and…
Healthcare Access, Healthy Families & Schools, Mental Health
Branding School Lunch Menus to Make Choosing Veggies Fun
Penny Parham is helping students in Miami-Dade County (65% Latino) make healthier food choices more easily thanks to hig…
Healthy Families & Schools, Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
Good Food Is What The Doctor Prescribed
You may have heard the saying: “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but what if your doctor actually prescribed fruit…
Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities