Success Stories
Get inspired by our Salud Hero stories and videos, which show real champions of change who drive policies and environments for health in our families, schools, and communities!
Rosa Herrera: Get the Vaccine for Your Family!
Rosa Herrera knows how difficult the battle with COVID-19 can be. Two of her daughters were really sick with COVID-19 in October 2020 and were hospitalized during their infections. Herrera herself got sick, too, but had a mild case. “It was really scary. I couldn’t see them and since both of them were hospitalized at ...
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Discover Salud Heroes

New Trails Encourage El Paso Residents to Get Up, Get Walking
How do you get an entire city of people to get up and moving? Build them new trails and places to walk! That’s what happ…
Green & Active Spaces
Finding Wellness Activities Nearby? There’s an App for That!
Improved technology, like smart phones and tablets, is often blamed for increasing unhealthy, sedentary lifestyles in ch…
Green & Active Spaces, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
High School’s Grab-and-Go Breakfast Cart Makes School Breakfast Cool (and Healthy)
San Antonio student Michaelie Love knows that, for many high school students, the hour before school begins is spent soc…
Education, Healthy Food
El Paso Zoo Uses Menus, Signage To Get Kids ‘Wild About Health’
The zoo isn’t exactly a place of health (for humans), with typical fare like popcorn, ice cream, cotton candy, and sugar…
Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
El Jardin, La Cocina y El Mercado: Healthy Living Takes Root at Bowie High School
El Paso, Texas has come a long way since ranked as the third-fattest U.S. city in 2012. A renewed focus on eating health…
Healthy Families & Schools, Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
A High School Project Transforms a Neighborhood
From PowerPoint presentations to outlines to thick textbooks, there are many ways students learn about the world while a…
Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
5th-Grader, Teacher Help Add a Water Bottle Fountain in School
Praxina Guerra and her mentor Cathy Lopez are true Salud Heroes when it comes to creating an environment of school healt…
Healthy Families & Schools, Water
At Kansas Corner Store, Bilingual Ads Help People Pick Healthy Foods
In a heavily Latino part of Kansas that struggled with obesity, one coalition stepped up to find new wats to help the La…
Healthy Food
A Fresh Food Station Lands in Fairfax County, Va.
In the 22% Latino Fairfax County Public School District in Fairfax, Va., a parent group called Real Food for Kids had ri…
Healthy Families & Schools, Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
Latino Teen Helps Bring a Salad Bar to His High School in San Antonio, Texas
Alexander Castillo was looking to make some healthy changes in his own life when he came to the realization that his sch…
Healthy Families & Schools, Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities