Success Stories
Get inspired by our Salud Hero stories and videos, which show real champions of change who drive policies and environments for health in our families, schools, and communities!
Rosa Herrera: Get the Vaccine for Your Family!
Rosa Herrera knows how difficult the battle with COVID-19 can be. Two of her daughters were really sick with COVID-19 in October 2020 and were hospitalized during their infections. Herrera herself got sick, too, but had a mild case. “It was really scary. I couldn’t see them and since both of them were hospitalized at ...
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Discover Salud Heroes

Celebrating Galentine’s Day with Drs. Amelie Ramirez and Patricia Chalela
You’re probably familiar with Valentine’s Day on February 14. Every year, couples dote on each other and exchange candy,…
Health Equity
Anjelica Cazares: Advocating for Latina Equal Pay
Although Anjelica Cazares spends a lot of time talking into a microphone, she doesn’t need it to be heard and make an im…
Increasing Civic Engagement
Dr. Trinidad Solis: Harvesting Infection Control Solutions for Farmworkers
In the small rural Central California town of Selma, a young Trinidad Solis watched long stretches of farmland float by…
Infection Control
Latina Physician Collaborates with Promotoras in Sustainable Infection Control Efforts
In a modest house in Los Angeles, California, a young girl buried her nose in a book. She focused on the book’s colorful…
Healthcare Access, Infection Control
Isabella Jimenez Brings ‘My Fun Food’ to Your Phone, Kitchen
Isabella Jimenez is a Latina on a mission for health. At age 12, she had an idea for an app that serves as a digital coo…
Healthy Food, Latino Obesity
‘It Helped Me Because I’m Here’: Why Diana Lopez Chose a Clinical Trial
When asked about achievements in her life, Diana Lopez of San Antonio, Texas, didn’t have to think long about her answer…
Clinical Trials
‘Siento Que Me Ayudó, Porque Estoy Aquí’: Por qué Diana López Decidió Participar en un Estudio Clínico
Cuando se le preguntó sobre los logros en su vida, Diana López de San Antonio, Texas, no tuvo que pensar mucho en su res…
Cancer, Clinical Trials, Español
‘Last Roll of the Dice’: How a Cancer Clinical Trial Saved Timothy Leech
Timothy Leech just celebrated his 40th birthday when he got news that changed his life. Timothy was diagnosed with Stage…
Clinical Trials
‘La Última Lanzada de Dados’: Cómo un Estudio Clínico de Cáncer Salvó a Timothy Leech
Timothy Leech acababa de celebrar su cumpleaños número 40, cuando recibió una noticia que cambió su vida. Timothy fue di…
Cancer, Clinical Trials, Español
‘Maybe I Can Help Somebody Else’: Willie Heard’s Unwavering Faith Through Clinical Trials
Willie Heard is a man of faith. His faith stood strong even after he got tragic news in September 2013. Heard was diagno…
Cancer, Clinical Trials