Researchers Say Sugar Free Drinks Are Bad News For Teeth

New Research from the University of Melbourne, declares that sugar-free drinks with acidic components may be just as damaging to teeth as sugary beverages. Sugary beverages have been known to cause decay, but new research states that dental erosion can happen with sugar-free products as well. The research was tested with 23 different types of sugar-free drinks including sports drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, and sugar-free Coca-Cola. Drinks that include ingredients like acidic additives like citric acid, and phosphoric acid, are huge components of dental erosion. The study's co-author, Eric Reynolds recommends that after drinking these products, rinse your mouth with water and wait one hour to brush to prevent removal of the  softened tooth layer. To learn more about this ...

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District One Hospital Follows Healthy Trends

Aiming to follow the lead in healthcare with recent changes to Allina Health hospitals, District One Hospital in Faribault, Minn. is removing all sugary sweet beverages from their facilities. Working with a collaboration of 250 organizations within the Healthcare Without Harm coalition, District One Hospital plans to continue moving towards a healthier food environment for all employees, patients and visitors. In part of the movement towards healthier foods and beverages, removal of sugary beverages and healthier foods will also be reflected in the hospital's vending machines, gift shop, and the pharmacy. Healthy food and beverage signage will also be added to the cafeteria to bring awareness towards healthier foods. A new ice and water machine will be placed in the cafeteria for ...

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Update: Soda Taxes Spread Across the World

Which places around the world are working towards fizzing out high soda consumption? Mexico, St. Helena, Chile, Barbados, France, Dominica, Norway, Hungary, and more. The world has taken notice of the health risks associated with sugary drinks for years, as various research studies have proven a link between sugary beverage consumption and health risks like diabetes, tooth decay and obesity. More and more countries are recognizing the health risks associated with sugary beverages and are implementing soda taxes or other initiatives and policies to ensure a healthy future for their people. Today's 16 million Latino children and youth—92 percent of whom are U.S. citizens—thus represent a crucial segment of the United States' future, according to an article from the Population ...

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Champion Mom’s Tips on Eating Right

Working mom, Graciela knows that time and money count when it comes to family meals. She is one of many Latina moms that prove that home cooked meals are best and that there are many time-saving tricks you can use in the kitchen to provide healthy family meals throughout the week. Graciela is part of a network of Champions under the organization, Champions for Change where mom's who take the time to make sure their kids are healthy, are noticed and promoted to "champion moms". Similar to SaludHeroes, these individuals in California take healthier choices to the next step and ensure that their families are making the healthy choice, the easy choice. Champions take notice of the resources at hand, in order to encourage healthier choices within their family, neighborhood or workplace. ...

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Applebee’s & IHOP Remove Soda From Kids’ Menus

Studies have shown that Latino kids consume more sugary sweet beverages than their non-white peers and over-consumption of sugary beverages has also been linked to health risks like diabetes and obesity. When obesity rates are rising and more than one in three Latino kids are predicted to have diabetes in the near future, healthier options are a must for kids menu's. Helping to assist parents and kids on making the easy choice the healthy choice when dining out, DineEquity, owner of Applebee's and IHOP restaurants have decided to completely remove the option of soda on their kids' menus. This is the first family-dining restaurant to promote and incorporate this change throughout their national chain of restaurants. Organizations like Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), ...

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New Proposed Ban on Candy and Soda For SNAP Particpants

New proposals in Maine are rising as health concerns of soda and junk food are being linked to obesity and health issues. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, is used by low-income families to purchase foods and beverages for their families. Recent reports from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that in the 2015 fiscal year, soft drinks and sugary beverages accounted for 58 percent of all beverage purchases by SNAP and WIC participants. From the same study, SNAP was estimated in paying at least $1.7 billion to $2.1 billion annually for sugary beverages within grocery stores. Spending over $115 million in medical claims related to obesity from the state's Medicaid program, the Department of Health and Human Services is opting to ban all soda's and candy items ...

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Congresswoman Proposes Bill for Federal Soda Tax

A recent article reveals that sugary beverages are a hot topic in the news, especially when health issues like diabetes and health costs are at hand. Cancer survivor and Connecticut democrat, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro has proposed that the nation take a stand against the current health issues linked to sugary drinks-diabetes, obesity, chronic disease- by introducing a bill that would tax consumers one cent per teaspoon of sugar. The American Beverage Association stated in the article that, "The soda tax is an old idea that has gotten no traction." However, recent news articles from the Wall Street Journal reported soda sales have plummeted in the last few years, and consumers are taking notice of healthier alternatives. There has been plenty of conversation and traction taking ...

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College Student Protests Kick Big Soda Off Campus

Students at San Francisco Stat University (SF State) helped their president Les Wong change his view of big soda and hold off on buying into a partnership with Coke or Pepsi. The deal was for pouring rights, which allow big soda to pay for the rights to advertise, market, and sell their products on school grounds and events. Most of these rights include millions of dollars of funding towards the school, but also allow unlimited marketing in various ways on school grounds. Many public school districts have entered into these "pouring rights" deals in efforts to support different school needs, even in elementary and high schools. Pouring rights deals allow the beverage company to advertise on all school billboards, athletic facilities, websites, the student union, and allow big ...

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UPDATE: Berkeley First Jurisdiction in U.S. to Vote “Yes” on a Sugary Drink Tax

Read latest Update Jan 25th, 2016 Update November 20th, 2015: Results have been coming in for the first no-soda-tax city, a year since the implementation of a penny-per-ounce tax was put in place. The tax has raised $693,000 in the first six months, which is actually surpassing predictions that were set at $1.2 million for the first year. Although concrete data is not accounted for yet in terms of researching the true impact on consumers sugary drink consumption, the city is upholding the promise to use the collected monies for health initiatives. In May, the council allocated $500,000 to community-based healthy child/family programs, with half going to the Berkely Unified Scholl District's Cooking and Gardening Program. Small businesses are saying that the taxes is hurting ...

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