Learning more about sugary sweet beverages can be a vital health tool for Latino communities where diabetes and chronic diseases are at higher risks. Dr. Xavier Morales, the Executive Director of Latino Coalition for a Healthier California, will be working with families, communities, and interested partners about sugar sweet beverages. The four-hour training will provide interactive conversation along with tools and materials about sugar-sweetened beverages. This is a free event and anyone is invited to come. A free Continental breakfast and lunch will be served for all attendees and certificates of attendance will be provided as continuing education credit. The event will be held on Monday, November 23rd at the Texas Diabetes Institute from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Please RSVP to ...
Recent debate abouts funding for health and obesity research from private companies like Coca-cola have heated up the news headlines. Some resources have even said Coca-Cola has paid dieticians to recommend a small can of Coke as a snack in a well-balanced diet. Big soda had funded research in 2014 through their Global Energy Balance Network (GEBN) to various groups and were put into question as the research according to reports, clearly focused on exercise and less on a healthy diet, free of sugary beverages. The Univeristy of Colorado School of Medicine has now publicly announced since last Friday, November 6, 2015, the that they are returning the money funded from Coca-Cola. A recent article from CNN Money mentions that the university decided to return the funding as “the ...
Studies have shown that sugar is bad for us, but how can it change our health? Research is still being done on how sugar is affecting the health of adults and children, although it is clear that most studies clearly show links of sugar to failing health. Recent studies have revealed how sugar can worsen cardiometabolic risk factors, and how sugary beverages are linked to heart failure. New research from the University of California in San Francisco and Touro University revealed that cutting sugar out of kid's diets for at least 10 days created an immediate transformation in their health. Within the studies participants, were 27 obese Latino children. Dramatic levels were reported of reduction in diastolic blood pressure, triglycerides, and bad cholesterol. Also, glucose ...
Sugary drinks, which can represent up to 40% of a child's total caloric intake, are a leading cause of obesity among children, reported an article from Los Angeles, where new water campaigns are popping up throughout the city. Leading the country with the highest obesity rate for children between the ages two and four, California (38.6% Latino) is trying to help parents and kids put the sugary drinks and sodas down the drain with their new water campaign. The campaign, "Water: The Healthiest Choice", is geared at helping bring information to parents, caregivers, and kids to choose water over sugary drinks. Dr. Simon, the director of Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health advises parents in a recent article, "We ...
“What you drink can either positively or negatively impact your mind, your body and your health,” said Vish Vasani, a public health specialist with the Minneapolis Health Department, in a recent news article. “Low-income communities and communities of color are more likely to regularly consume sugary drinks.” Latino Teens are more likely to drink sugary beverages like sodas. Minneapolis has had a growing young Latino population according to an article in 2014. Unfortunately, the city is has also grown in rates of obesity according to Vasani. The state is trying to slim down on their consumption of sodas and sugary beverages with a statewide educational campaign, "Rethink Your Drink". The campaign has shown progress as restaurants are changing menus to include more healthy ...
Science teacher and now paid brand ambassador of McDonalds', John Cisna, has been rolling out his infomercial video to schools across America, informing them that McDonalds helped him lose weight. In Cisna's documentary, 540 Meals: Choices Make the Difference, his daily choices at McDonalds lowers his caloric intake to help him loose weight and he starts having a more active lifestyle. Walking up to 45 minutes a day, where before he did not exercise at all, and eating at or less than 2,000 calories, when his body type required more than 3,000 calories to stay at his body weight of 280 pounds, he informs kids about a 'healthier lifestyle'. However effective Cisna is at losing weight in his documentary, it is not a way to market healthy food and lifestyle choices to kids, explains ...
Editor's note: this is an update of a past change. View the past change at: Update: Chicago Considers State-Wide Sugary Drink Tax Mayor Emanuel listened to small businesses of Chicago, opting out on the recent proposals for a penny-per-ounce tax on sugary drinks. The American Beverage Association (ABA) reported on September 23rd that the beverage tax will not take final vote on the budget until October 28th of 2015. The ABA states they are supporting and protecting small business owners and that the taxes will hurt middle and low-income families trying to run their small businesses. The ordinance as currently proposed does not affect sugary drinks in fast food restaurants or otherwise dispensed by fountains, only those in bottles or cans. And what about the health of middle and ...
Did you know your child could consume up to 31,260 calories of unhealthy school foods and beverages in just one year! That is approximately 8.9 pounds of weight gain per year, according to a new graphic called "Food At School Parties", produced by the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living. This graphic estimates the number of foods kids eat during one school year of school parties. It gives parents, teachers, and schools a closer look into how many unhealthy snacks are being served. Revealing that if students have more than forty plus parties in a school year, they will most likely consume at least one of everything ( a cookie, pizza slice, cupcake, juice box, serving of chips, etc.) at each party. Many families are not concerned with a few school festivities here and ...
Water bottle sales have nearly tripled compared to the falling rates of soda consumption, reports the New York Times. Prompting the question, do the studies showing the link between obesity and consumption of sugary beverages make an impact? J. Alexander M. Douglas Jr., president of Coca-Cola North America, was quoted in the same article that, “Health and wellness are a major enduring trend and each brand has to compete in that environment." But healthier beverage options are not just trending across certain states, they are being proven as recent market reports show a noticeable decrease in soda consumption. Sugary beverage taxes are not popular in all states, as in California, but a growing amount of sugary beverage consumers may be realizing the health warnings associated ...