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SPARK’s Coordinated School Health (CSH) program is now being used by Texas schools thanks to a recent action by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to approve the curriculum for use among students in grades K-8.
Texas is now the third state to approve the curriculum as part of a comprehensive student health program, which provides students with physical education, physical activity, health education, and nutrition education in order to counter childhood obesity.
In a Yahoo news article, Danielle Housley, MPH Healthy Start Project Facilitator at Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas said: “The SPARK PE Curriculum has become an essential piece of our elementary physical education programs.”
Educators from other school districts also had positive things to say about the SPARK CSH program.
“We have been thrilled to incorporate the SPARK resources into our physical education curriculum,” said Misty Stevens a Physical Education Coordinator at Frisco Independent School District in Frisco, Texas.
SPARK’s CSH program combines components of their own evidence-based physical education and physical activity lessons, along with lessons that were developed by Healthy Lifestyle Choices (HLC), a cross-curricular program that focuses on goal setting and decision making, and a research-based nutrition component created by Healthy Kids Challenge (HKC).
The SPARK component meets SHAPE America National Standards as well as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for physical education. The HKC curricular component addresses food choice, portion sizes, active play, energy balance, body image and weight management.
Learn more about coordinated school health programs in Texas here.
Read more about this story here.
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