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The Wake County School Health Advisory Council of North Carolina is proposing that schools eliminate junk food or unhealthy options from school fundraisers, including the sales at sporting events. They believe that by cutting junk food and candy sales, they can help increase the healthy options at all school affiliated events.
However the policy remains very controversial and is not being supported by all staff or coaches. The amount of profit brought in each year from the sales at their sporting events make up a major component of the booster club’s annual budget. Those who do no support the change do recognize the health benefits for students and the community, but do not believe that they will make enough money to support their athletes if this policy goes into affect.
In the past the SHAC has helped institute policies in Wake County schools that help schools maintain healthy habits like; stopping the use of food as a reward in the classroom, banning schools from holding food/beverage fundraisers during the school day, and requiring events held on campus to offer a minimum of two healthy food and/or beverage options at all times.
Read here to find out more information on this change, and read here to find the SHAC’s public 2013 Report
By The Numbers
of Latino parents support public funding for afterschool programs