Eric Moreno is a Content Curator with the Salud America! program at UT Health San Antonio. He specializes in covering the topics of health equity and family and social support. He holds a BA from the University of Texas at San Antonio and an MA from Gonzaga University.
The city of San Francisco (15.1% Latino population) has long been a hub for the Latino community. However, as the city by the bay has grown in importance as one of the centers of the U.S. tech industry, many long-time Latino residents are struggling to keep up with the cost of living there. A new organization has been formed to help serve the low-income Latino communities in the area connect to community resources. The San Francisco Latino Parity and Equity Coalition conducted a study of heavily Latino-populated neighborhoods in the city (including the Mission, Bayview, Tenderloin, and Visitacion Valley areas). The coalition, which is made up of over a dozen groups, including the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN), Jamestown Community Center, the Mission Language and ...
Latinos are the nation’s largest racial/ethnic minority group. They are expected to grow from 1 in 6 people today to 1 in 4 by 2035 and 1 in 3 by 2060. The long-term health and success of Latinos is going to be crucially important to the United States for decades to come. In the Pacific Northwest community of Walla Wall, WA (23.68% Latino population), one group has taken steps to ensure their Latino community has all the tools necessary for their success. The Walla Walla Valley Early Learning Coalition is offering a free, 10-week series of parenting master classes aimed at Latinos. Using “cultural perspective” and taught in Spanish, the Abriendo Puertas (Opening Doors) program is designed to support Latino parents in their roles as family leaders and teachers to their ...
So many people share their lives on social media every day. Instagram has 500 million active monthly users worldwide, including 1 in 3 Latinos. Facebook has nearly 2 billion active monthly users. But questions remain about how social networks impact users' mental health. For example, CNN posted this week: "Instagram worst social media app for young people's mental health." The article cites a survey of 1,500 young people on how social media platforms impact their health, depression, anxiety, self-esteem and body image. The survey indicated Instagram negatively affected body image, sleep patterns, and "FOMO"—the fear of missing out. “Platforms that are supposed to help young people connect with each other may actually be fueling a mental health crisis,” Shirley Cramer ...
According to the recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy added 138,000 jobs in May with the overall unemployment rate falling to 4.3%. This is the lowest the rate has been in 16 years. While the job rate was not as high as had been predicted, these are indicators that the economy overall has sufficiently rebounded from the Great Recession of the mid-2000s. What does this mean for Latinos? For many Latinos, financial security that comes from employment is crucial to their long-term health. With better paying jobs comes better access to healthcare, better access to physical activity, better access to education for family members, and better access to opportunity. The financial website WalletHub recently ranked the best and worst states for job seekers based ...
Stress is a major problem for many Americans, including Latinos. Everyday stresses—such as paying bills and juggling childcare—can have short- and long-term health effects, such as a stomach ache, higher blood pressure, etc., the American Psychological Association (APA) reports. One of the greatest stressors plaguing Latino families has to do with finances. The situation might be even worse long-term. In a recent GoBankingRates study, 69% of adults admitted to having less than $1,000 in the bank, while 34% said they actually don't have any savings at all. But apparently, this collective lack of savings doesn't get all that much better with age. According to USA Today, the problem is that dying nearly broke isn't just a matter of denying one's beneficiaries an inheritance; ...
Many Latinos face numerous barriers that keep them from attaining the best healthcare possible. These range from a lack of access and a lack of coverage to a language barriers and cultural stigmas. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently uncovered another barrier: medical nonadherence. According to the CDC, not following instructions for prescribed medications accounts for 125,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Medication nonadherence also accounts for 11% of all hospitalizations and between $100 and $300 billion in spending. Medical nonadherence has become a major public health concern, especially for minority and low-income families. In order to reduce health disparities, it is critical to address inequities in programs, practices, and ...
SaludToday Guest Blogger
Ana Fadich, Vice President, Men's Health Network Did you know there was a month entirely dedicated to raising awareness for issues impacting the health and wellness of men and boys? June will honor the 23rd annual Men’s Health Month. The month also coincides with Men’s Health Week (June 12-18, 2017), a special awareness period created by Congress, and the #ShowUsYourBlue campaign on June 16 where men and women are encouraged to wear blue to work that day to show their support for the health and wellbeing of Latino and all boys and men. See our easy list of things to do to be active, aware, all month long. June is Men’s Health Month – spread the word and make sure every loved male in your life is living well.
Early screenings! They ...
Yolanda Konopken knows 1 in 10 people have diabetes in Arizona. Her program to help families manage diabetes has been at full capacity for years at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Phoenix (41.3% Latino population). Konopken wanted to do more to prevent unhealthy weight from causing diabetes in younger children. She had an idea to start a new, bilingual education program to provide support and counseling for families with children at risk of diabetes. She worked hard to develop a bilingual curriculum and launch a fun program that involves the whole family in a series of culturally relevant classes to build children’s self-esteem and positive lifestyle behaviors, such as cooking healthier foods and getting active.
The Crisis of Obesity in Arizona Arizona has the ...
Newsflash: Men and women are different. Of course, men don't have to go through what many women go through in reproductive health, such as pregnancy, giving birth, and other issues. But men do fare worse in other heath conditions. Men die at higher rates than women for 8 of the 10 top causes of death. Men die at younger ages than women, and they are more likely to develop chronic diseases throughout their lifetimes, reports. Among Latino men, the numbers are even starker. Latino men have lifespans that are 5 years shorter than Latinas. They are more likely to have undiagnosed mental health issues. For the National Men’s Health Month in June, let’s use #SaludTues to tweet about Latino men's health issues, solutions, and resources on June 6, 2017. ...