Smiling millennial mother holding her newborn son close to her chest, head and shoulders, close up

5 Key Takeaways from the 2024 Maternal and Infant Mortality Report

Despite advances in modern medicine, the US continues to have one of the worst infant and maternal mortality rates in the developed world.   In 2021, there were 32.9 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births in the US, according ...
Hand covered in a measles rash.
Sarampión: Previniendo la Propagación en el Entorno de Prestación de Servicios de Salud
El sarampión (rubéola) es una enfermedad contagiosa e infecciosa causada por un virus. Aunque algunas personas piensan ...
Hand covered in a measles rash.
Measles: Preventing the Spread in Healthcare
Measles (Rubeola) is a contagious, infectious disease caused by a virus. While some people think of measles as just a ...
Children drinking water.
The Good, The Bad, and The Artificially Sweetened: Drink Recommendations for Children
The beverages we drink are important for our hydration and health. That’s why experts have made recommendations for ...
Mature scientist leading a lab research
3 Important Studies on How Cancer Affects Latinos and All People
Cancer continues to be a top cause of death for those living in the US, including Latinos, who suffer disproportionate rates ...
Doctor examining eye of senior.
Researchers Work to Improve Treatment for Uveal Melanoma
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic are working to better understand and find treatment for uveal melanoma, also called melanoma ...
Viruela del Mono o Viruela Símica (Mpox en inglés): Previniendo la Propagación en el Entorno de Prestación de Servicios de Salud
La viruela del mono (mpox en inglés, llamada anteriormente monkeypox) es una enfermedad causada por la infección con el ...