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Protect You and Your Familia by Staying Up to Date on COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines

With the summer winding down and school right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about checking all the items off your to-do list before school is back in session.   Start the fall season on the right track by prioritizing the health of you, your family, and everyone around you by making sure you’re up to date on your vaccinations.   That’s why Salud America! is partnering with Champions for Vaccine Education, Equity and Progress (CVEEP) to remind you about the importance and benefits of being vaccinated.   To promote vaccination updates, CVEEP, convened by the Alliance for Aging Research, HealthyWomen, and the National Caucus and Center on Black Aging, is raising vaccine equity awareness by providing vaccine education and resources.  Let’s examine ...

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Expand on Your Nutrition Education with CACFP Spanish-Language Resources

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that ensures children and adults have access to nutritious meals and snacks by providing reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks at participating child care centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers. Additionally, the CACFP provides reimbursements for meals served to children and youth participating in afterschool care programs, children residing in emergency shelters, and adults older than 60 or living with a disability and enrolled in day care facilities. The National CACFP Sponsors Association (NCA) provides support and resources for the community and others that administer, organize, and participate in nutrition programs. The CACFP provides Spanish-language resources through the NCA ...

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Protect Yourself and Others Against UV Rays This Summer

UV Awareness 2024

The month of July is UV Awareness Month! While enjoying the summer rays, it’s important to protect yourself and loved ones against the UV light that comes from the sun. As the summer heat continues and outdoor activities begin, let’s dive into best practices for UV protection and how they can help prevent sunburns, sun damage, and more! What are UV Rays? CDC defines UV rays as an invisible kind of radiation from the sun, tanning beds, and sunlamps. UV radiation is divided into 3 main groups: UVA: While they have the least energy of UV rays, UVA radiation makes up 95% of the all the UV rays that make it to the Earth’s surface. They can cause skin cells to age and can cause some indirect damage to cells’ DNA. UVB: UVB radiation makes up only 5% of the UV rays ...

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7 Stories Driving Latino Health this Month

Every month the Salud America! team at the Institute of Health Promotion Research (IHPR) at UT Health San Antonio showcases the latest health news, clinical trials, research study results, and stories impacting the Latino community.   Salud America! is led by Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez.  “Our mission is to inspire people to drive change for health equity for Latino and all families,” said Ramirez, professor and director of the IHPR at UT Health San Antonio.  June was jam-packed with stories of how social determinants of health affect the health outcomes of Latinos, comment campaigns designed to spark change, and a very special webinar.  Let’s take a deeper dive into some of the topics, news, and stories published in June that are making waves in the Latino ...

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7 Research Opportunities You May Have Missed this Month

You can help create a healthier future.   Volunteers for registries, research programs, and clinical trials can help researchers learn how to slow, manage, and treat cancer and other diseases.  “With diverse research participation, researchers have more opportunity to create better prevention and treatments that work for all people,” said Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, director of Salud America! at the Institute for Health Promotion Research at UT Health San Antonio.  Here are seven research opportunities based in San Antonio and beyond to explore this month! 1. Latina Health Reproductive Health Screenings University of Texas at San Antonio researchers are seeking Hispanic and Latina women between ages 50 and 65 living in San Antonio to comment about their last Pap ...

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Addressing Heart Failure in Latinos with Close the Gap Resources

Heart disease risk is high for U.S. Latinos, data shows. While most Latinos were aware of their cardiovascular risk factors, less than half of the adults in a study of stroke survivors had healthy blood pressure and cholesterol, and only half had healthy blood sugar levels, according to the American Heart Association. “Hispanic adults are more likely than white adults to develop heart failure. But Hispanic adults living with heart failure are less likely to get appropriate care and treatment than white adults living with heart failure,” according to a Close the Gap resource. This emphasizes the importance of targeted prevention programs and culturally relevant resources for Latinos to avoid stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular diseases. That’s where Close the ...

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11 Amazing Resources for Caregivers of a Loved One with a Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is a life-changing diagnosis. But not all brain tumors are the same. They are unique, as is their impact on a person’s body, emotions, and quality of life. That is why we need care partners. People navigating a brain tumor diagnosis often rely on a care partner or caregiver – a friend, familia member, or someone else helping with their everyday activities. In fact, a quarter of Americans serve as caregivers to a beloved family member or friend. Let’s dive into how a caregiver for someone with a brain tumor can balance care with their personal and professional obligations, and where to get support and resources. 1. Learn More about Brain Tumors Like the patient, caregivers and care partners need to learn more about brain tumors and how it will affect ...

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Honoring Latino Military Heroes on Memorial Day

latino military hero rocky versace for memorial day

Memorial Day is May 27, 2024. We at Salud America! are excited to honor all U.S. military personnel, including the Latinos, who have served and died for our country. Latinos in the Military: History Latinos have a “proud and indeed enviable” record of military service that dates back all the way to the Civil War, according to a U.S. Army historical website. About 20,000 Latino serviceman and women participated in Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990-1991, 80,000 in the Vietnam War in 1959-1973, and more than 400,000 in World War II in 1939-1945. Latinos have earned more than 40 Medals of Honor, according to the Department of Defense. “Whether their heritage can be traced to Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, or one of dozens of other Spanish-speaking countries or ...

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What Is Having Long COVID-19 Really Like?

It wasn’t too long ago that COVID-19 threw life into chaos. Businesses shut their doors. Food and supplies ran low. We were separated from our loved ones and trapped indoors. Hospitals dealt with rising demand. Lives were lost. Years have passed since the pandemic and we’ve tried to distance ourselves from a time when distillers halted production to make hand sanitizer, grocery stores had lanes, and smiles were hidden behind masks. However, some are still living with a constant reminder of that time. For those with Long COVID-19, time hasn’t healed the wounds of the past as they still try to recover from the physical, mental, and emotional traumas of the condition. That’s why Health Confianza — a Bexar County health literacy initiative housed at The University of Texas ...

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