Investigadores mexicanos han comenzado ensayos clínicos para un tratamiento que podría prevenir la reincidencia del cáncer, reporta Latin Times. El nuevo tratamiento entrena al sistema inmunológico a que detecte y elimine células cancerígenas , después del tratamiento convencional, según el Dr. Juan Pablo Manriquez. En la primer etapa de sus investigaciones el Dr. Manriquez y su equipo probaron las vacunas en ratones que fueron modificados genéticamente para que desarrollaran cáncer. “Los ratones que recibieron las vacunas no desarrollaron cáncer del colon, páncreas y de ovarios, explica el Dr. Marquez. Los ensayos clínicos se llevaran acabo en Cd. De Mexico, Sonora y Cd.Obregon. Los investigadores estiman que el tratamiento va ser aprobado en Mexico y EE.UU ...
Recent data shows Latinos and communities living under the U.S. poverty line are more aware of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and vaccination rates in some of these communities is higher than in more affluent ones, The Guardian reports. However, not all patients are completing the entire vaccine series. For the article The Guardian interviewed Dr. Daisy Morales-Campos, a research instructor at the Latino Research Initiative at The University of Texas at Austin (formerly with Institute for Health Promotion Research at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio). Dr. Campos directs Entre Familia, an HPV campaign aimed at Latinos in south Texas. There are still a lot of barriers to access according to Campos. “People there [in Hidalgo County] often do not have the ...
Why are racial/ethnic minority populations less likely than whites to get genetic testing, which can help a woman learn if she has an abnormal gene that is linked to higher breast cancer risk? The answer may lie in their attitudes toward genetic testing. Latina, black, Asian, Native American, and Appalachian women all had a generally positive attitude toward genetic testing, but several key differences emerged among these minority groups, according to a new study led by Dr. Amelie Ramirez of Redes En Acción, a national cancer research network based at the Institute for Health Promotion Research (IHPR) at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. The study, which sought to better understand attitudes toward genetic testing to guide development of culturally sensitive ...
Cancer is quickly becoming the No.1 killer in the United States and the leading cause of death among Latinos, Fox News reports. New health statistics show cancer is quickly overtaking heart disease as the top cause of death in the U.S., despite death rates falling in the last 25 years. According to government figures cancer is the “leading cause of death in certain groups of people, including Hispanics, Asians, and adults ages 40 to 79.” The American Cancer Society predicts there will be 1.7 million new cancer cases this year, and 600,000 deaths. “Government figures for 2014 show cancer was the leading cause of death in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, ...
Editor’s Note: This is the story of a graduate of the 2015 Èxito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training program. Apply now for 2016. Monica Montaño
Downey, Calif. With a Panamanian hat-wearing grandfather who pushed his children to go to college and a mom who took her to microbiology classes as a child, it’s no surprise that education is Monica's main tool to promote health among Latinos. She has a true passion for teaching and not only wants to expose her students to health disparities, but also wants to conduct research and deliver education on cancer and disease prevention across the nation and beyond. Monica Montaño received her Bachelor of Science degrees in Community Health Education and School Health Education (2000), from California State University ...
Mexican researchers are beginning clinical trials of a treatment that could prevent the recurrence of different types of cancer, Latin Times reports. “The new therapy trains the immune system to recognize and eliminate remaining cancerous cells" after conventional treatment, team leader Dr. Juan Pablo Márquez Manriquez, of the International Cancer Center in Sonora, told EFE. In the early stages of their research Dr. Marquez and his team tested the vaccines on mice that were genetically modified to develop cancer. “The animals that received the vaccine, both individual vaccines and the cocktail, never developed colon, pancreatic or ovarian cancer,” Dr. Márquez explained. During clinical trials the treatment will be tested in Mexico City, Sonora and Ciudad ...
In 2015 cancer was the leading cause of death among Latinos in the United States, Latina Lista reports. Last year, Latinos experienced 125,900 new cases of cancer and more than 30,000 deaths from cancer. According to experts most cancer related deaths among Latinos are caused by lung tumors in men and breast malignancies in women. “Death rates are declining for both heart disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S. overall, and cancer, the second leading cause,” Rebecca Siegel, a researcher at the American Cancer Society, said. “Cancer has already surpassed heart disease as the leading cause of death in Hispanics because of their young age structure.” Although Latinos have lower incidence of prostate and breast cancer than whites, they are more likely to be diagnosed ...
Most New Year's resolutions involve losing weight, or changing some aspect of physical appearance, but what about improving one’s mental health? In the Latino community mental health issues are often taboo, but here are four things you can do to improve your mental health in 2016. Meditate:
Taking at least five minutes a day to focus on yourself can have tremendous benefits to your health and wellness. A study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice found that meditation helps heal physical and mental issues such as anxiety and depression. Be Thankful:
Numerous studies have shown that people who are thankful for what they have and the people around them tend to live a better quality of life—mentally and physically. Be Generous:
When you give yourself to help ...
Over 75 percent of flavored electronic cigarettes contain diacetyl, a chemical linked to severe lung disease. Diacetyl along with two other compounds was found in most sweet tasting flavors, such as cupcake, cotton candy and fruit squirts, CBS News reports. Researchers at Harvard University looked for the presence of dyacetyl, a chemical additive that’s often added to foods such as popcorn to give them a buttery flavor. Diacetyl has been associated with a severe lung disease condition known as bronchioles obliterans more commonly known as “popcorn lung,” named after many workers at microwave popcorn factories were diagnosed with the disease.. "One of three flavoring chemicals was found in 92 percent of the e-cigarettes we sampled and these chemicals are of interest because of ...