Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, introduced a bill that outlines critical public health and prevention initiatives to fight chronic disease, encourage healthier schools, communities and workplaces, and improve physical activity opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The Healthier Lifestyles and Prevention America (HeLP America) Act includes wellness provisions in a broad range of areas, including expanded access to fresh fruits and vegetables for all low-income elementary schools, tax incentives for businesses that offer comprehensive workplace wellness programs to their employees, improved physical activity and athletic opportunities for individuals with disabilities, and greater oversight with regard ...
In Austin, Texas principle investigator Harold “Bill” Kohl, a joint faculty member at the University of Texas in Austin and the University of Texas School of Public Health, is investigating how community design can boost one's fitness and encourage participation in physical activity. The Mueller Neighborhood which was designed to promote green living has wide sidewalks and many trees, which may encourage residents to walk and bike more. Results from Dr. Kohl's study will serve to create policy recommendations for developing active living communities across the nation. In this blog, researcher Bill Kohl explains the importance of creating environments that are conducive to physical activity. Dr. Kohl is currently investigating how community design can encourage physical ...
The Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It! (MEND) Program offered through the YMCA in Austin, is a free 10 week program offered to children ages 7-13 and their families. MEND is a non-profit organization located in New York, which aims to develop behavioral changes for overweight and obese children. The MEND program is funded through grants from St. David's Foundation, and through annual Partner of Youth campaign donations. Elementary school locations in the Austin area including Galindo, Langford, Popham, Pillow, Sanchez, Science Hall (Hays County), and UT elementary, will host the MEND program beginning January 12, 2013. Families who complete the program will be eligible for a free 3-month membership at the YMCA of Austin. Read about the physical activity components developed by ...
The organizers behind Transit to Trails recognize that although few people of color visit national forests and other green spaces in Southern California, it does not mean that they do not value parks and green space. Cities that have fewer parks or wilderness areas have higher levels of childhood obesity. That's why Transit to Trails takes inner city youth and their families and friends on fun mountain, beach, and Los Angeles River hiking and biking trips. The project enriches their education about water, land, wildlife, and cultural history, and teaches the importance of physical activity and healthy eating for life-long health. Transit to Trails aims to diversify access to parks and support for green space. Although Latino children in Southern California are less likely to visit ...
Through the Healthy Place Initiative efforts to improve green space, and provide opportunities for out-of-school play time have been successful. The Healthy Place Initiative in Chicago is a $5.8 million project funded by the CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Communities Putting Prevention to Work initiative (CPPW). Healthy Places focuses on four target areas including: food access, safe walking and biking, breastfeeding support, and school environments. There are many ways to get involved in efforts to make Chicago a healthier place to live. Resources This presentation from the Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago (CLOCC), provides information on ways to improve Chicago's outdoor spaces. This interactive mapping tool will help you share your thoughts about ...
Sometimes it takes patience and perseverance for improvements to come to one's neighborhood. After waiting for 25 years, residents living in the Beacon Hill Neighborhood Area finally got the park they wanted. Although phase I has been completed residents look forward to seeing the second phase of park development begin. Phase II of The Beacon Hill Linear Park is scheduled to begin construction in late 2013, thanks largely in part to the efforts of City Councilman Diego Bernal, who secured funds for phase II through the city's 2012-2017 bond fund. Community leaders spoke at a ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of Phase I of the Beacon Hill Linear Park. John Karlis, Vice President of the Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Association, spoke of the park's community garden and Cosima ...
The Active Living Council (ALC) of San Antonio was formed in 2010, in order to discuss ways to increase physical activity within the city. In accord with the National Physical Activity Plan, the council produced the Active Living Plan for a Healthier San Antonio. This plan was endorsed by Mayor Julian Castro, and will serve as a guide for policy changes which would enable citizens living in San Antonio, to become more active. The ALC works in collaboration with the San Antonio Mayor's Fitness Council. The Active Living Plan is available in English and in Spanish. Read the Active Living Council of San Antonio's 2012 policy recommendations to the city ...
Although children in Texas are required to have 135 minutes of physical activity per week, children from the Austin Independent School District (AISD) were only getting 90 minutes of physical education. In order to fill this gap, the Active Play Project has provided educators with a way to teach subjects like math, while simultaneously allowing children to participate in physical activity. The Active Play Project gives kids an opportunity to learn while having fun and staying active by providing school teachers with a curriculum to incorporate physical activity into their lessons throughout the day. Colorful paint is used to turn a school play yard into an outdoor, active classroom. Dr. Andrew Springer from the University of Texas School of Public Health developed the program ...
The ActOut campaign in Virginia, an initiative of the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth, is raising awareness about the need for more physical activity among youth.
Currently at least 1 in 4 youth in Virginia are overweight or obese and the problem is even more grave among Latino children. Health officials in Virginia worry that 1 in 2 Latino children born today will develop diabetes if action is not taken to reverse the obesity epidemic. Although 60 minutes of daily physical activity is recommended for children, 4 out of 5 kids do not meet this recommendation. This is why the ActOut campaign is calling all school districts in Virginia to provide at least 30 minutes of physical education to children. The ActOut Campaign encourages its supporters to get the word out to friends ...