A memorandum produced by TxDOT, dated March 23, 2011, announcing TxDOT's commitment to designing multimodal transportation facilities. Guidelines for improvements to urbanized and rural settings are provided. Read more about this policy ...
The original text to H.R. 709 which would serve to create more livable neighborhoods, through developing parks and recreational facilities in urban neighborhoods. On 3/23/2011 this bill was sent to the House Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community ...
This bill, filed during the 2013 legislation session, seeks to encourage school districts to adopt joint use agreements. If enacted, HB 0525 would serve to create policies and procedures for an appeal process, which could be used for negotiations, in case a joint use agreement fails. HB 0525 is the house companion bill of SB 392. This bill would require school districts to submit a copy of the written agreement within 30 days of adopting a joint use policy, to the Department of Education. The Department of Education will be required to post the joint use agreement on their website, along with a model joint use agreement, and a criteria for the acceptance of joint use agreement grants. ...
The text to HB 105, which relates to the allocation of the proceeds from taxes imposed on the sale, storage, or use of sporting goods. This bill would credit 75% of the revenue from this tax to the Parks and Wildlife Department. ...
The text to HB 105, which relates to the allocation of the proceeds from taxes imposed on the sale, storage, or use of sporting goods. This bill would credit 94% of the revenue from this tax to the Parks and Wildlife Department. ...
A bill introduced to the House by Rep. Carol Alvarado, that requires six semesters of physical activity for middle school students. More specifically, the bill states that students in grades 6-8th should participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, daily. ...
This bill is the House companion bill to SB 503 filed by the Texas Senate. It would serve to establish an Expanded Learning Opportunities Council to make recommendations for public schools on how to enhance learning opportunities in coursework, mentoring, tutoring, physical activity, academic support, or educational enrichment. The council will be charged with developing innovative learning methods, and will consist of 2 members from the senate, 2 members from the house of representatives, 1 representative from the business community, 1 parent from a participating expanded learning opportunities school, 2 members from the research community, 1 law enforcement agent, and 1 member representing the agency. ...
This bill, authored by Peter Nehr (R-Florida), encourages school districts to adopt written policies to promote public access to outdoor recreation & sports facilities on school property. HB 431 seeks to increase the number of joint-use agreements, and to develop procedures for an appeal process if negotiations for joint-use agreements fail. In addition, districts who implement joint-use agreements would be granted immunity from liability except in instances of gross negligence or intentional misconduct. On March 1, 2012 the Florida House of Representatives voted unanimously to pass this bill and on July 1, 2012 this policy was made ...