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186 People Endorsed Our Comment: Address Policies that Perpetuate ‘Good,’ ‘Bad’ Neighborhoods

Address Policies that Perpetuate ‘Good,’ ‘Bad’ Neighborhoods and Schools

We asked for your help to speak up for equitable policies so that everyone has a fair, just opportunity to be their healthiest, and 186 people responded. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) has nominated an ad hoc committee to analyze federal policies that contribute to preventable and unfair health outcomes in America, particularly among Latinos and other racial/ethnic minority populations. The committee wanted personal and/or professional feedback by Sept. 30, 2022, on: Examples of federal policies that create and/or contribute to racial/ethnic health inequities Examples of policies that promote racial/ethnic health equity The most important considerations when prioritizing action regarding federal policies to advance racial and ethnic ...

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Latinos, Become an Organ Donor Today!

Minority Organ Donor

Just as Latinos are underrepresented in medicine and clinical trials, they are also underrepresented in organ donation. In honor of August being National Minority Donor Awareness Month, here’s everything you need to know about organ donation, and why you should become a donor. What is Organ Donation and Transplantation? Organ donation and transplantation involves removing an organ from one person (the donor) and surgically placing it in another (the recipient). This process is done when the recipient’s organ has failed and they need a new organ to survive. Organ donation and transplantation can be performed with both living and deceased donors. Living Donation A living donation is an opportunity to save a life when you are still alive. Organs that can be donated ...

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Write a Medical School Oath to Fight for All People!

young male doctor swearing medical school oath

Medical students start their journey to be a doctor with an ethical oath. But the classic Hippocratic Oath and other versions are missing doctors' modern obligations for all people. You can use the Salud America! action pack, “Write a Medical School Oath to Fight for All People,” to write your own medical school oath to reflect doctors’ ever-evolving responsibilities to address systemic health issues in their healthcare settings and beyond. The action pack has materials and technical assistance to help you connect with your peers and school leaders, draft a new or updated medical oath, and build support to address health issues. "Writing a modern medical school oath can be a meaningful experience for students, and better reflect the evolving dynamics of the profession," ...

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Donate a Biospecimen Today to Improve Latino Health Outcomes!

Have you ever wanted to help improve Latino health? Now is your chance! The National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program is recruiting at least one million diverse people to share information about their health history and environment. Information collected for the database helps researchers learn how biology, lifestyle, and our environment affects our health. As part of the effort, participants donate a biospecimen in the form of a blood or saliva sample. Biospecimens can help researchers find new ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat diseases, such as Alzheimer’s or cancer, among Latinos and other groups. “We may study your samples to measure things that naturally occur within our bodies, for example, cholesterol,” according to the All of Us ...

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Long COVID: How Latinos Can Help Enhance Recovery from COVID-19


While most people who have COVID-19 recover completely within a few weeks, some continue to experience symptoms weeks after their initial recovery. This condition is often called Long COVID. Common signs and symptoms of Long COVID include fatigue, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, cough, joint pain, chest pain, and even organ damage, according to the Mayo Clinic. But we don’t know everything about the long-term health effects of COVID-19 infection. You can help researchers learn more about Long COVID through research studies, such as RECOVER, a National Institute of Health (NIH) study to better prevent, test, and treat Long COVID-19 in the future. Find a recover testing site near you! RECOVER Research Study The NIH launched RECOVER to learn why some people ...

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16,000+ People Call to Update ‘Dangerous’ Federal Vehicle Safety Ratings

16,000+ People Call to Update ‘Dangerous’ Federal Vehicle Safety Ratings

More than 16,000 concerned Americans sent public comments to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) urging them to make changes to their vehicle safety rating system, known as the New Car Assessment Program. Many organizations, such as the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), America Walks, and Families for Safe Streets enabled their members to submit comments. Our team at Salud America! also developed a model comment asking NHTSA for a vehicle rating system that accurately reflects the dangers vehicles pose to pedestrians, bikers, and others outside the vehicle. After all, more Americans died in motor vehicle crashes in 2021 than any other year since 2005, and the growing size and weight of vehicles is a contributor. “Driving ...

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Tell NASEM: Add Urban Planning Scholars to New Committee on Policies Impacting Health Equity

Add Urban Planning Scholars to New Committee on Health Equity Policy

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) has nominated an ad hoc committee to review federal policies that contribute to racial/ethnic health inequities, and recommend the most effective, promising approaches to equitably change policies. NASEM is seeking public comment on its nominees for the committee through June 20, 2022. The nominees are strong, diverse health equity experts. But none have experience in urban planning, housing, or transportation – some of the most critical social determinants of health. Use the following Salud America! model comment to tell NASEM to add committee members who are scholars in the intersection between urban planning and social determinants of health to improve their ability to make equitable policy ...

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Comment: Tell Government to Consider People Walking in Vehicle Safety Rating System

Source Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

With roads designed to favor cars and the growing size of megacars – SUVs and passenger trucks – it’s no surprise traffic fatalities are on the rise among drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. This makes vehicle safety a high priority. But did you know that the U.S. vehicle safety rating system doesn’t consider people outside the vehicle? Now is your chance to tell the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) National Traffic Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) to modify their vehicle safety rating system. Submit the following Salud America! model comment to tell NHTSA you want a vehicle rating system that accurately reflects the dangers vehicles pose to pedestrians, bikers, and others outside the vehicle.  Comments are due June 8, 2022. Update June 2023: ...

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Watch Webinar: Overcoming Implicit Bias in the Doctor’s Office and Research Studies

Doctors often have implicit, subconscious preferences for white patients over those of color, studies show. This is implicit bias. These biases — stereotypes that affect our understanding and decisions about others beyond our conscious control — lead to discrimination and health disparities. To address this issue, you’re invited to join us for "Overcoming Implicit Bias in the Doctor’s Office and Research Studies," at 2 p.m. CT on April 25, 2022. This is the third webinar of a new series, “Let’s Address Health Equity Together.” This Zoom webinar will feature guest speakers to help health care professionals understand implicit bias, “rewire” it toward compassion for patients and research participants of color and engage local leaders in implementing implicit bias ...

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