Investigación: Los niños latinos consumen más bebidas azucaradas que los niños no latinos

Los bebés latinos son dos veces más propensos a recibir bebidas azucaradas que sus pares no Latinos, y tres de cada cuatro niños latinos han tenido una bebida azucarada a la edad de 2 años, lo que contribuye a sus tasas altas de obesidad, de acuerdo con un nuevo paquete en español de la investigación realizada por Salud América!, la red nacional de prevención de obesidad de UT Health San Antonio. El paquete de investigación de Salud América!, Bebidas azucaradas y los niños latinos, examina la ciencia más reciente sobre la salud de los latinos de 0-5 años y hace recomendaciones de política para reducir el consumo: Video Animado Infografía 1 Infografía 2 Infografía 3 Más información sobre esto aquí. (Inglés) La investigación muestra que los ...

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En Español: Latino Childhood Obesity Research, Infographics, Videos

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Four new Spanish-language sets of research briefs, animated videos, and infographics explore causes of and solutions to Latino childhood obesity, as researched by Salud America!, a national prevention network at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio and funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The Spanish materials, released in English earlier in 2016, address critical reasons why Latino children are more obese or overweight than their peers. The materials also feature evidence-based tactics working to reverse the epidemic. Healthy Weight / Peso Saludable One of four U.S. kids is already overweight or obese by age 2-5, with a higher rate among Latino kids (30%) than white kids (21%). How can Latino kids achieve a healthy weight by kindergarten? Reseña Tematica ...

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Iniciativas Animan a Latinos Dejar de Tomar Bebidas Azucaradas

Guillermina Rice se ha dedicado a velar por los niños en la escuela primaria de su hijo. Es allí donde ha promovido una iniciativa para el consumo de bebidas saludables. Para Rice, el interés en nutrición y hábitos para una vida saludable es un tema personal. La diabetes afecta a familiares de la representante de ventas de 47 años de edad. Cuando su hijo Aero, quien ahora tiene 13 años, asistía a Central Elementary School en San Diego, ella empezó a cuidar a los niños durante el recreo como voluntaria. “Es triste ver como todos nuestros niños que están en la escuela son como discriminados por los otros chiquitos porque están un poquito de sobrepeso”, dijo Rice, quien vive en City Heights, un vecindario de San Diego famoso por sus comunidades de inmigrantes que ...

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How to Tackle Mental Health Issues in Spanish-Speaking Communities

More than 16% of Hispanic adults experienced a mental illness during the previous year, and communities of color are more likely to lack access to care to meet their behavioral health needs, according to federal data. This makes mental health awareness important in Hispanic communities. That's why the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health offer new Spanish-language resources: The website en Español offers access to resources and information about prevention, treatment, and recovery from mental health conditions. The Toolkit for Community Conversations About Mental Health (Diálogos comunitarios acerca de la salud mental) helps communities start vital ...

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Spanish-Speakers Can Get Free Cancer Info at 1-800-4-CANCER

Spanish-speakers are encouraged to call the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service, 1-800-4-CANCER, to get free scientifically based information on cancer clinical trials, prevention, risk factors and more in their language. In a new video, Aileen Ardizon, Director of Bilingual Services for the Cancer Information Service, explains how the number works and what type of servces are offered. NCI cancer information is offered in English and Spanish online, ...

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SaludToday/IHPR Researcher Helps LIVESTRONG Expand Outreach to Latino Cancer Survivors

The Lance Armstrong Foundation’s LIVESTRONG campaign is expanding its bilingual outreach to Latino cancer survivors through enhanced multi-media resources, developed with the help of Sandra San Miguel de Majors, a research instructor at the Institute for Health Promotion Research at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, the team behind SaludToday. LIVESTRONG’s effort aims to help more Latinos affected by cancer by increasing visibility and access to bilingual resources on the Internet, cell devices and media. The campaign Web site,, for example, underwent major enhancements, adding new videos, audio features and links to Facebook and Twitter messages, thanks to content developed in part by San Miguel de Majors. San Miguel de Majors ...

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