Make Your School Trauma-Sensitive!

Use the SALUD AMERICA! TRAUMA-SENSITIVE SCHOOL ACTION PACK to get model emails and presentations, templates of East Central ISD's innovative trauma-informed care system, and coaching to help you create your own actions to address student trauma and boost school attendance!

Help traumatized students with the Salud America! Trauma-Sensitive School Action Pack with Coaching.

You will get (at no charge to you):

  • Model emails, presentations, and guides to become trauma-sensitive
  • Templates from one district’s influential system
  • One-on-one support from an Action Pack coach
  • Promotion of your efforts to 200,000+ change-makers
  • 25 Salud America! T-shirts

Get a customized action pack within one hour (enter your info in the box)!


How to Use Our Action Pack!

Step 1: Start the Convo!

Use our model emails and talking points to start the conversation with decision-makers.

Step 2: Create a Group & Vision!

Use our model emails, presentations, and guides to start a task force and build your vision.

Step 3: Take Immediate Action: Trauma-Sensitive Tracking System!

Use real templates from John Hernandez of East Central ISD in San Antonio to craft your own system with protocols to identify/track/monitor students, a community resource guide, and a chain of command system.

Step 4: Take Long-Term Action: Comprehensive Trauma Sensitivity!

Use our guide to plan additional action that will best support students in your district.

Step 5: Raise Awareness!

Use our model emails, social media posts, and presentations to share your new system.

View Examples!
John Hernandez Toolkit webpage

Meet Our Coaches

Tenoch Aztecatl

Coaches on healthy food and mental health

Amanda Merck

Coaches on active spaces and early childhood development and weight

Rosalie Aguilar-Santos

Coaches on overall Latino child health