Make Your School Trauma-Sensitive!
Use the SALUD AMERICA! TRAUMA-SENSITIVE SCHOOL ACTION PACK to get model emails and presentations, templates of East Central ISD's innovative trauma-informed care system, and coaching to help you create your own actions to address student trauma and boost school attendance!
Help traumatized students with the Salud America! Trauma-Sensitive School Action Pack with Coaching.
You will get (at no charge to you):
- Model emails, presentations, and guides to become trauma-sensitive
- Templates from one district’s influential system
- One-on-one support from an Action Pack coach
- Promotion of your efforts to 200,000+ change-makers
- 25 Salud America! T-shirts
Get a customized action pack within one hour (enter your info in the box)!
How to Use Our Action Pack!
Step 1: Start the Convo!
Use our model emails and talking points to start the conversation with decision-makers.
Step 2: Create a Group & Vision!
Use our model emails, presentations, and guides to start a task force and build your vision.
Step 3: Take Immediate Action: Trauma-Sensitive Tracking System!
Use real templates from John Hernandez of East Central ISD in San Antonio to craft your own system with protocols to identify/track/monitor students, a community resource guide, and a chain of command system.
Step 4: Take Long-Term Action: Comprehensive Trauma Sensitivity!
Use our guide to plan additional action that will best support students in your district.
Step 5: Raise Awareness!
Use our model emails, social media posts, and presentations to share your new system.
View Examples!