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Articles by Lisa

Cooking for Health & To Be Cancer Free

Need healthy recipes that can help your health? Cook For Your Life started in 2007 by Ann Ogden, helps cancer patients and others looking for healthy recipes to find advice on how to make healthy recipes that are designed specifically for different stages of cancer treatment. After being in treatment for the second time for triple negative breast cancer, Ogden began to find that many of her fellow chemotherapy buddies knew little about healthy food, and with her background of a family of chefs, she began teaching tips and cooking advice for healthy hands-on cooking classes. This led to her Cook For Your Life hands-on cooking programs that have served over 7,000 patients in the New York City Area, and have long-term collaboration with researchers from Columbia University and ...

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Kids With Unhealthy Weight’s Brain Signals Respond Differently to Food

A new study could tell why kids who are unhealthy weights respond to food differently than kids who are healthy weights. According to a study published in the Endocrine Society, the brain signals of children who are considered "obese" or fall under the unhealthy weight zone respond differently to pictures of foods than brain signals of kids who are at healthy weights, or are considered "lean". Trying to understand why kids with unhealthy weights still fell hungry after eating a meal, researchers from the study worked with Seattle Children's Research Institute and the University of Washington and used BASIC fMRI technology to understand brain signals that cause overeating. The trail included 54 obese kids and 22 lean kids ages 9 to 11, with the proportion of boy and girls the ...

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LA Supports No More McTeachers Nights for LA Schools!

A healthy movement is growing in Los Angeles (48.5% Latino) where schools are saying no to the unhealthy marketing of McTeachers nights. This week of May 12, 2015, schools are being asked to vote on nutrition and fundraising policies, including voting on policies around food marketing for local wellness school policies. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has outlined updates for school districts on local wellness policies (LWP) to include a policy around food marketing in schools by June 30, 2016. School marketing includes any advertising, promotion of oral written, or graphic statements made for the purpose of promoting the sale of food or beverages, explains a resource from Voices for Healthy kids and the Center for Science in the Public Interest ...

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Intervention Programs at London School Help Prevent Depression in Girls

A study conducted in London from 2010 to 2011 in a secondary girls-only state school found that the SPARK Resilience Program helped prevent depression and increase self-reported resilience in girls 11-12 years old. The study led by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) looked at over 400 girls reports on their resilience and depression symptoms throughout the study. The SPARK Resilence Program gave students the tools to identify stressful situations and learn how to control negative behavior reactions. SPARK, the acronym behind the program stands for how children can break down their responses to stressful situations and be taught by teachers to their students using the five components: Situation, Perception, Autopilot, Reaction, and Knowledge. School interventions are a ...

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A Race To Support the Whole Person

In order to bring awareness on mental health and support "the whole person" including the emotional, mental and physical side of health, Madison YMCA is sponsoring "The Mind Matters 5K" on May 17th, 2017. The theme for the race is "Mentally Healthy One Stride at a Time", and proceeds from the race will go to benefit the Madison Area's YMCA's programs. YMCA President and CEO Diane Mann told local news Madison Eagle explained that the purpose behind the annual event is to help fund families and children to enjoy and participate in YMCA membership, programming, and wellness services. "As a cause-driven charitable organization, the Madison Area YMCA is dedicated to nurturing the potential of every child and teen, and improving the community’s health and well-being and 'giving ...

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Seattle Talks Soda Taxes

May 17th this year (2017) is the when Seattle will propose an ordinance to tax sugary drinks like soda, energy drinks, juice, and sweetened teas at two cents per ounce for distributors. Like many of the cities working to decrease health risks associated with consumption of sugary drinks, Seattle hopes to deter sugary drink consumption, increase health and fund educational disparities. Berkeley, in California, has successfully decreased the consumption of sugary drinks by 20 percent. Also, Mexico is continuing to see a decrease in consumption of sugary drinks in the country with the added sugary beverage tax. The tax in Seattle is being proposed by Mayor Ed Murray who is expecting to raise over 15 million dollars to help fund educational programs that would be recommended by the ...

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Become A School Wellness Hero

Momsrising.org is asking mom's to become school wellness heroes to help make sure physical education and healthy foods are a part of school wellness policies. Kids spend most of their day at school, eating most of their calories and expending most of their energy at school, so it is vital for the school environment to be healthy. Currently, over 99% of schools are meeting new healthy snack standards, but with the new healthy school meal standards being rolled back around sodium, non-fat and flavored milk and whole grains, there is still so much work to do to make sure kids are in a safe and healthy school environment all day. You can help support health and wellness in schools before the end of June while school districts update their wellness policies. Get involved by dropping off ...

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New Study Shows How Removing Trans Fats Helped Lower Heart Disease

Although the recent menu labeling bill was pushed back for implementation until 2018 across restaurants, recent research reveals that removing and labeling unhealthy ingredients like trans fats can make a healthy difference for consumers. A study from JAMA Cardiology studied urban counties in New York State that restricted the use of trans fats in public eateries like restaurants, bakeries, cafeterias, park concessions and senior meal programs. The study concluded, after three years that there were there fewer hospital admissions for cardiovascular events in counties with a ban on trans fats. Since July 2003, the FDA approved labeling trans fats for consumers awareness on the dangerous ingredient that is often found in fast foods, baked goods, chips and can lead to higher ...

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Mental Health Resources To Understand Mental Health in Teens & Kids

Kaiser Permanente wants to empower parents to talk to their kids about mental health. Finding the right ways to talk to your children about mental health is important because as many as 13% of children ages 8 to 15 experience a severe mental disorder at some point while growing up. In fact, many parents are unaware of the warning signs in kids or teens who are dealing with mental health issues. A few signs to look for include substance abuse, social isolation, behavior changes and more. Parents wanting to learn more about mental health like how to assess their child's mental health, and or how to talk to their child in a non-judgmental way about mental health can click here for more information on mental health. These resources are also in Spanish for Latino parents to talk ...

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