Measles: Preventing the Spread in Healthcare

Hand covered in a measles rash.

Measles (Rubeola) is a contagious, infectious disease caused by a virus. While some people think of measles as just a little rash and fever that clear up in a few days, measles can cause serious health complications. View our “Measles Fact Sheet” in English or Spanish and let’s dive deeper into measles and how frontline healthcare workers can minimize the spread of this infectious disease! Who is at Risk? Anyone who is not immune to measles is at risk. Measles is very contagious. It spreads through the air when an infected person breathes, talks, coughs or sneezes. You can get measles just by being in a room where a person with measles has been. Complications of measles can be minor, like ear infections, or serious, like pneumonia and encephalitis. There are ...

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Sarampión: Previniendo la Propagación en el Entorno de Prestación de Servicios de Salud

Hand covered in a measles rash.

El sarampión (rubéola) es una enfermedad contagiosa e infecciosa causada por un virus. Aunque algunas personas piensan en el sarampión como simplemente un pequeño sarpullido y fiebre que desaparecen en unos pocos días, el sarampión puede causar complicaciones de salud graves. ¡Consulta nuestra "Hoja Informativa sobre el Sarampión" en inglés o español y profundicemos en el tema del sarampión y cómo los trabajadores de la salud de primera línea pueden minimizar la propagación de esta enfermedad infecciosa! ¿Quién está en Riesgo de Contraer Sarampión? Cualquier persona que no se haya vacunado o que no haya tenido sarampión en el pasado está en riesgo. El sarampión es muy contagioso. Se puede propagar a través del aire cuando una persona infectada respira, ...

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Viruela del Mono o Viruela Símica (Mpox en inglés): Previniendo la Propagación en el Entorno de Prestación de Servicios de Salud


La viruela del mono (mpox en inglés, llamada anteriormente monkeypox) es una enfermedad causada por la infección con el virus del mismo nombre (virus de la viruela del mono-MPXV). ¡Consulta nuestra "Hoja Informativa sobre viruela del mono" en inglés o español y profundicemos en el tema del viruela símica y cómo los trabajadores de la salud de primera línea pueden minimizar la propagación de esta enfermedad infecciosa! ¿Qué es la viruela del mono o viruela símica? Este virus es parte de la misma familia del virus de la viruela. La viruela del mono no está relacionada con la varicela. Cualquier persona que haya estado en contacto personal cercano por un periodo de tiempo con una persona o animal que tenga la viruela del mono está en riesgo. En los EE. UU., los ...

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Mpox: Preventing the Spread in Healthcare


Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) is a disease caused by infection with a virus, known as monkeypox virus (MPXV). This virus is part of the same family as the virus that causes smallpox. Mpox is not related to chickenpox. View our “Mpox Fact Sheet” in English or Spanish and let’s dive deeper into mpox and how frontline healthcare workers can minimize the spread of this infectious disease! Who is at Risk for Mpox? Anyone who has been in close, personal contact with a person or an animal that has mpox over a period of time is at risk. How Does Mpox Spread? Close contact with a person with mpox, including sexual and intimate contact. Direct contact with mpox-infected animals. Direct contact with mpox-contaminated materials. Passing from a pregnant person with ...

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Seven Things to Know About the Norovirus Surge

Young beautiful hispanic woman sick at home sitting on sofa with nausea and stomach ache

Norovirus, also known as the stomach bug, is surging across the United States.  Outbreaks of the virus spiked from 69 to 91 the week of December 5, 2024, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  This is a significant rise considering the same reporting period over the last several years showed 65 or less outbreaks per week.   However, there are a growing number of cases that haven't been reported, adding to the potential for spreading the virus.  With outbreaks and cases on the rise, there are several things you should know about the norovirus surge and measures you can take to protect yourself and loved ones from getting sick.  1. Norovirus is a Foodborne Illness While norovirus is classified as a “stomach bug” or ...

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Salud Talks Podcast Episode 44: Building Infection Control-Oriented Latino Healthcare Leaders

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for healthcare workers to have easy-to-use, informative, bilingual tools on infection control practices in the healthcare setting. With this in mind, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched Project Firstline, a training and education collaborative designed to ensure all healthcare workers, no matter their role or educational background, have the infection control knowledge and understanding they need and deserve to protect themselves, patients, and coworkers. As part of Project Firstline, Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio and the National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) is bringing you a Salud Talks Podcast series, “Behind the Mask,” to explore infection control in healthcare. In this special ...

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Salud Talks Podcast Episode 43: Preparing for the Next Pandemic

The pandemic revealed long-standing gaps in infection control knowledge and understanding among the frontline healthcare workforce. This is why CDC launched Project Firstline, a training and education collaborative designed to ensure all healthcare workers, no matter their role or educational background, have the infection control knowledge and understanding they need and deserve to protect themselves, their patients, and their coworkers. Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio, in partnership with the National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) and CDC Project Firstline, brings you a two-part episode podcast series, “Behind the Mask,” to explore infection control. In this special Episode 43 of the Salud Talks Podcast, Dr. Jorge Moreno, assistant professor of medicine at ...

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Dr. Carlos Salama: Protecting Latinos Against Infectious Diseases

Carlos Salama’s father helped people every day as a physician. Inspired by what he saw, Salama knew at an early age that he, too, wanted to help others the way his father did. “People were just very, very grateful for what he provided them. I thought, ‘I want to do this,’” Salama said. Salama was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Argentinian parents. Salama’s mother and father first came to the United States in the mid-1960s for his father’s residency after he completed medical school at the University of Buenos Aires. Salama recalls helping his parents and two siblings in the doctor’s office. “I used to go with my father to the office, sometimes on the weekends, and help them. My mother was the office assistant, but I would do it sometimes, and I just ...

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CDC Project Firstline Infection Control Micro-Learns: Diarrhea

CDC’s Project Firstline has developed Infection Control Micro-Learns – a series of guided infection control discussions that can be easily incorporated into team meetings or huddles facilitated by an experienced team member with infection control expertise. Each micro-learn focuses on a single infection control topic and connects these concepts to immediate, practical value. With the help of these micro-learns, healthcare workers can easily apply key points to their daily work and perform the recommended actions to keep germs from spreading. Let’s explore Infection Control Micro-Learn on diarrhea! What to Do When You See a Patient with Diarrhea Diarrhea is loose, liquid stool. Some people have chronic diarrhea, it is their normal bowel function. When diarrhea ...

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