A Program to Recognize Texas Public Schools With Successful Health and Fitness Programs

At the 2013 Texas Legislature, Sen. Jane Nelson (R-Flower Mound) introduced SB 65, as a way to recognize schools for creating a healthy environment. If this bill were to be enacted schools would be recognized with a bronze, silver, or gold, award according to the success of their school's fitness program. Private and non-profit entities would be allowed to provide donations and incentives to schools that receive healthy school recognition. According to the Texas Legislature Online, SB 65 was referred to public education and no action was taken in committee. Read the full text to SB 65, which would have provided recognition to schools with a healthy school ...

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APHA Supports The National Physical Activity Plan

In October of 2012, at the 140th Annual American Public Health Association (APHA) Meeting, The Governing Council created a resolution to support the National Physical Activity Plan (NPAP), as a strategic plan to improve physical activity rates in the United States. The NPAP includes over 250 strategies for active living similar to those mentioned in the 2011 National Prevention Strategy, published by the National Prevention Council through the General Surgeon's Office. It outlines strategies that would increase physical activity in all segments of the population, with special emphasis towards the vulnerable and at-risk populations. The plan features recommendations for 8 different sectors of society, which include: Business and industry Education Health Care Mass ...

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Mayor of Los Angeles Seeks to Bring More Parks to LA Through the 50 Parks Initiative

The city of Los Angeles Parks and Recreation Department is acquiring land to provide 50 new parks in park-poor, population-dense neighborhoods. In 2009, the the city of Los Angeles conducted an assessment of it's parks and found that many low-income neighborhoods lacked sufficient park space and facilities. As a result, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa decided to launch the 50 Parks Initiative. Now, approximately $80.9 million in funding has been secured for the acquisition, design, and construction of  50 new parks. The city of Los Angeles has been able to acquire blighted properties to create more green space, by building "pocket" parks for children living in the underserved areas of Los Angeles. According to a January 2013 NBC News 4 report, the city had already built 7 parks, and had 10 ...

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