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The city of Los Angeles Parks and Recreation Department is acquiring land to provide 50 new parks in park-poor, population-dense neighborhoods. In 2009, the the city of Los Angeles conducted an assessment of it’s parks and found that many low-income neighborhoods lacked sufficient park space and facilities. As a result, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa decided to launch the 50 Parks Initiative.
Now, approximately $80.9 million in funding has been secured for the acquisition, design, and construction of 50 new parks. The city of Los Angeles has been able to acquire blighted properties to create more green space, by building “pocket” parks for children living in the underserved areas of Los Angeles. According to a January 2013 NBC News 4 report, the city had already built 7 parks, and had 10 more on the way.
In August 2012, LA.Streetsblog.org reported that Mayor Villaraigosa announced the launch of the city’s 50 Parks Initiative, during a ribbon cutting ceremony for two new parks. According to the blog, at the ceremony, Barry Sanders, president of the Recreation and Parks Commission, spoke of the need to end the injustice of unequal park distribution. With the city facing financial constraints some are apprehensive about whether Mayor Villaraigosa will be able to complete his vision for constructing these 50 new parks. Nevertheless, plans for the new parks have moved forward.
News & Information About the 50 Parks Initiative
NBC News 4: LA’s 50 Parks Initiative Brings Recreation to Park-Poor Neighborhoods
LA.Streetsblog.org blog: Villaraigosa Announces Ambitious Initiative for 50 New Parks
50 Parks Initiative Project Status
A Letter to the Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners about the 50 Parks Initiative
By The Numbers
of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park