First-Ever Cancer Patient Advocate Training Program Saves Seat at the Table for Latinos

Ahead of the 2024 Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos Conference, 15 Latina women from across the country came together, unified by a common thread — to become a research patient advocate. This gathering, on Feb. 20, 2024, marked the first in-person meeting of the Latino Cancer Patient Advocate Training Program, a new initiative to teach cancer survivors to become research patient advocates, who help others navigate the healthcare system and raise the Latino voice in research. Patient advocates are critical to the goal of reducing Latino cancer disparities, said Dr. Barbara Segarra-Vázquez of the University of Puerto Rico, co-leader of the new program. “You really have to have passion to become a patient advocate,” said Segarra-Vazquez. “It’s that desire to help ...

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Free Virtual Program Aims to Teach a Patient-Centered Approach to Research

In recent years, researchers have made a larger effort to tap into previously underrepresented communities, such as communities of color, to create more inclusive research that benefits everyone.  But many people still have deep-rooted mistrust of research.  And not all researchers who work with these communities end up bringing the benefits of their research back to boost the health of those communities.   The PATIENTS Program at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy is attempting to rewrite the narrative and give researchers, patients, caregivers, and others the tools to provide a continuous patient-centered approach to research.   The PATIENTS Professors Academy is a free, virtual training course centered around improving health equity and the health outcomes ...

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Apply for the Hispanic Leadership Development Fellowship!

Apply now for the National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) Hispanic Leadership Development Fellowship!   The fellowship program is a paid, 9-month, in-person leadership opportunity to prepare for career opportunities in public health agencies and increase awareness and competency in health equity knowledge and practice, including infection control.  Each fellow is paired with a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agency in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area from Sept. 1, 2024, to May 30, 2025.  “We are dedicated to increasing the representation of Hispanics in key executive leadership positions,” said Dr. Elena Rios, NHMA President and CEO.  Applications are due April 1, 2024.  APPly Here!  Components of NHMA’s Hispanic Leadership ...

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Get Free Social Media Training from the Experts

social media

Wondering how Twitter works? Want to get more social media followers? You're invited to take advantage of Virtual Office Hours, a federal program from that offers free, one-on-one technical assistance to help HIV/AIDS and other health- or minority-focused programs access, talk about or improve their use of digital tools and social media channels to improve their outreach. These 45-minute sessions occur every every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-4 p.m. EST. Register here. Learn more about the ...

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Workshop 4/12: How Business Leaders Can Help Solve Obesity

Amelie Ramirez

It will take all sectors of society to solve the obesity crisis. That's why on April 12, 2016, Dr. Amelie Ramirez and the rest of the Roundtable on Obesity Solutions will conduct a workshop on how business leaders can get involved in fighting obesity. Tune in here for the free workshop, which is set for 9 a.m. EST Tuesday, April 12, 2016. The workshop will feature expert speakers and discussion on why and how to encourage the business community to be involved in obesity solutions, identify reasons why businesses might be interested in being involved, and demonstrate ways they can be engaged with a focus on community level multi-sector collaborations. Ramirez, director of SaludToday, Salud America!, and the Institute for Health Promotion Research at the UT Health Science Center ...

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