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According to The Texas Partnership for Out of School Time (TXPOST), only 15% of school aged children are enrolled in after school programs. Expanded Learning Opportunities would reduce the amount of risky behaviors that kids participate in, make communities safer, and increase the amount of physical activity that children participate in.
HB 384 and SB 503 are two bills that would establish an Expanded Learning Opportunities Council.
An Expanded Learning Opportunities Council would serve to increase learning opportunities in coursework, mentoring, tutoring, physical activity, academic support, and educational enrichment.
The council would be charged with developing innovative learning methods, and would consist of 2 members from the senate, 2 members from the house of representatives, 1 representative from the business community, 1 parent from a participating expanded learning opportunities school, 2 members from the research community, 1 law enforcement agent, and 1 member representing the agency appointed by the commissioner.
The Texas Partnership For Out of School Time created a toolkit with information about supporting this bill during the 83rd session of the Texas Legislature.
By the end of the 2013 Legislative session, this bill was left pending in committee.
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