Search Results for "diabetes"

New Diabetes Cases On Decline For First Time in 25 Years

New diabetes cases continue to decline in the U.S. after decades of being on the rise. Among Latinos and African Americans, the drop has not been very significant, Univision Noticias reports. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows a drop of 20% between 2008 to 2014 of people newly diagnosed with diabetes. In 2014, 1.4 million were diagnosed compared to 1.7 million in 2008. But according to the CDC Latinos and African Americans continue to be “far more vulnerable.” In the Latino community the number of new cases “showed no consistent change among Latinos from 2009-2014.” Despite the recent progress, experts warn the battle against diabetes is far from over. Around 29 million people in the U.S. have diabetes and 86 million are ...

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Join Our #SaludTues Tweetchat 1p ET 11/17/15: Diabetes and Latinos

Diabetes is one of the major illnesses that greatly impact Latinos the most. It is also one of the more preventable and treatable illnesses. Do you know how important a healthy diet and exercise are to preventing or controlling diabetes? What's the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? How often should you check your glucose levels? Let’s use #SaludTues on Nov. 17, 2015, to tweet about all the need-to-know facts about Latinos and diabetes. WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat: “Diabetes and Latinos” TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. ET (Noon-1 p.m. CT), Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015 WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues HOST: @SaludToday CO-HOSTS: (@USAgov); Diabetes Hands Foundation (@diabetesHF); U.S. FDA (@FDAenEspanol) Together with our partners, we’ll ...

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11 millones de personas en riesgo de perder su vista a causa de la diabetes

La retinopatía diabética es una de los tipos de enfermedad más comunes que afecta los ojos de diabéticos. Actualmente esta condición afecta a más de 7 millones de personas en EE.UU y se pronostica que para el 2013 afectara a más de 30 millones, según el instituto nacional de los ojos (NEI). Los latinos, nativos americanos y afroamericanos están a mayor riesgo. “Lamentablemente, solo la mitad de las personas con diabetes se hace un examen completo de los ojos con dilatación de las pupilas.” según lo ha expuesto el experto del Instituto Nacional del Ojo, el Dr. Eduardo Alfonso. “Este examen es clave para detectar la enfermedad diabética del ojo en sus primeras etapas, cuando se puede tratar efectivamente.” Las enfermedades de diabetes en el ojo incluyen ...

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College Students Help Latinos in Fight against Diabetes

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 50% of all post-Millennial youths will be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes during their lifetime. Latinos are the group that is likely to be the most susceptible to the disease. Two nursing school students from Arizona State University (ASU), Tatianna Alvarado and Jamie Karch have taken on roles in a community-based diabetes prevention program aimed at Latino youths called “Every Little Step Counts.” “Many of my family members have diabetes and my mother is a type 2 diabetic,” Alvarado said. “The last year of high school I took care of her. I’d interact with her, told her what diabetes was … but there was only so much I could do as a daughter.” The program is funded by a $1.2 grant from the ...

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New Harvard Study Links Consumption of Sugary Drinks to Type 2 Diabetes

Drinking too many sugary beverages is already frowned upon by researchers and family doctors alike, but the most recent research shows a direct link towards consumption of sugary beverages and health risks. A new study published on September 30th, by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, revealed that people who drink more than two sugary drinks a day had a 35% increase in risk for a heart attack or fatal heart disease. The study also showed that those who consume at least two sugary beverages a day also have a 16% increased risk for stroke and 26% increased the risk for developing type 2 diabetes. These findings show the need for increased knowledge for Latinos, who consume more than one sugary beverage a day, as many studies show Latinos are already at higher risks for ...

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Exposure to chemicals tied to risk of obesity and diabetes

The Endocrine Society recently published research that reveals exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) is associated with increased risk of developing diabetes and obesity. These common chemicals are found in everyday items like food can linings, cash register receipts, plastics, cosmetics, flame retardants and pesticides. “The evidence is more definitive than ever before – EDCs disrupt hormones in a manner that harms human health,” said Andrea C. Gore in a recent Newswise article. Professor and Vacek Chair of Pharmacology at the University of Texas at Austin and chair of the task force that developed the statement Gore went on to state that, “Hundreds of studies are pointing to the same conclusion, whether they are long-term epidemiological studies in human, ...

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Exercise During Puberty Can Reduce Risk of Diabetes

Exercise during the early years of puberty can reduce risk of diabetes-- especially among Latinos who are particularly at higher risk, Univision Salud reports. A study led by UK researchers and published in Diabetologia, found physical activity lowered the risk of insulin resistance syndrome (a condition that can cause type 2 diabetes). The study measured using electric motion sensors, “the levels of insulin resistance in 300 children between 9-16 years old to determine what kind of impact physical activity had on insulin resistance and other metabolic levels. “ The study revealed,  13 years old who exercise regularly reduced their insulin resistance levels by 17 percent and exercise can continue to reduce insulin resistance to near zero levels in the following three ...

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Parches de insulina podrian darle un mejor estilo de vida a hispanos con diabetes

La universidad de Carolina del Norte y La Universidad estatal de Carolina del Norte, han creado y actualmente están probando un parche de insulina que pronto podría remplazar las dolorosas inyecciones de insulina, reporta Univisión. Más del 16 por ciento de Latinos en los Estados Unidos sufre de diabetes y podría beneficiarse de esta nueva tecnología. “Básicamente hemos creado este llamado parche de insulina inteligente, el cual puede detectar los niveles de azúcar y liberar insulina al tiempo exacto en cuando los niveles de azúcar suban. Este parche no es solamente inteligente, si no también no causa ningún dolor, “le comento el Dr. Zhen Gu, líder del Proyecto a Reuters. Gu y su equipo de investigadores lograron poner más de 100 mini agujas en el parche, las ...

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Vacuna de casi un siglo de uso podría potencialmente reversar la diabetes tipo 1

La  administración de alimentos y medicamentos de Estados Unidos (FDA, por  sus siglas en inglés)  recientemente aprobó un ensayo de nivel medio para una vacuna que potencialmente puede reversar la diabetes tipo uno, reporta Reuters. La FDA le dio la luz verde al ensayo de la vacuna bacillus-Calmette-Guerin (BCG) en 150 adultos con casos avanzados de diabetes, el cual significativamente afecta a latinos en los Estados Unidos. “En la fase 1 del ensayo, hemos demostrado estáticamente una respuesta significativa de la vacuna BCG, pero nuestro objetivo es crear una respuesta terapéutica a largo plazo. ,”dijo la Dra. Denise Faustman, directora del laboratorio de inmunología  del hospital general de Massachussets en Boston.  “Estaremos trabajando nuevamente con pacientes ...

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