Commissioner Michael Gallen announced that every elementary school playground in Manatee County will be open during nonschool hours, weekends, summers, and holidays. According to Gallen, school playgrounds are considered open space under the county's comprehensive plan. However, it is still up to each principal to open the playground up to the public. Already 13 out of 33 elementary schools in the county are open. Now the school district will hold meetings with each school principal to discuss any concerns they might have. The changes are also expected to be brought up during a future school board meeting. ...
Researcher Bill Kohl explains the importance of creating environments that are conducive to physical activity. Dr. Kohl is currently investigating how community design can encourage physical activity among residents residing in the Mueller Community in Austin, Texas. ...
News of the city's request for information about parties interested in building a grocery store in the downtown area has sparked some competition between ...
Mayor Kristin Jacobs of Broward County encouraged the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team to create a Complete Streets policy. In this effort the Broward Metropolitan Planing Organization, the Florida Department of Transportation, the Broward Regional Health Planning Council, and others worked to design the Complete Streets guidelines. Already over 2,000 Broward residents have participated in public workshops, focus groups, and surveys related to Complete Street design. ...
Residents from Baldwin Park describe their experience as advocates who helped bring a Complete Streets Policy to the city. The California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA) was responsible for training these advocates who continue to ensure that Baldwin Park's Complete Streets Policy is properly implemented. ...
Hank Cardello, lead author of the "Key Findings of the Lower Calorie Foods Report" from the Hudson Institute explains some of the findings from the report. Cardello, a former executive of Coca-Cola and General Mills, found that more lower calorie offerings were offered at fast-food restaurants compared to sit down restaurants. The report provided findings from restaurants such as McDonald's, Taco Bell, Olive Garden, and Outback. Read more about ...