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Chile Labels Unhealthy Foods

A recent article reports that Santiago, Chile is working to combat obesity by providing consumers with warning labels on unhealthy foods. Chile deals with high obesity and diabetes rates. In 2014 an article reported Chile to be the fattest nation in the world, with 37% of boys overweight or obese and girls at 32%. The legislation passed back in 2012, will now be implemented with restrictions on advertising unhealthy foods to kids and also will indicate caloric content with black octagons and warnings showing high fat, sugar, sodium or caloric content. Latino kids in the U.S. also deal with higher diet-related diseases like diabetes and obesity. Studies show that incorporating guidelines in schools that restrict access to unhealthy foods and beverages positively impact ...

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New Report Details the Condition of College & Career Readiness of Latinos

Latinos represent nearly 25% of all public high school students. It has been projected that this is a trend that will continue increasing for years to come. Latinos have made progress in terms of college and career readiness, but more work still needs to be done. A new brief, authored by Excelencia in Education and ACT, Inc., offers recommendations that policymakers and schools can implement to increase Latino college and career readiness. The report, entitled College & Career Readiness 2015 – Hispanic Students provides a snapshot of the academic performance of Latino high school students that graduated in 2015 and took the ACT college readiness assessment. Key findings from the brief include determining that Latino students have high postsecondary aspirations. Parents are ...

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Many Latino’s Live in Areas Limited in Healthy Food Access

A recent article reported research from a national survey, showing that more than 10 percent of Latinos reported difficulty in accessing affordable fresh fruits and vegetables. The report also indicated that Latino families that live further from larger grocery stores also may be at risk for poor health. Many small supermarkets or corner stores are starting to carry more fresh fruit options, however, the price of fruits and vegetables at smaller stores are many times still higher in cost than at a larger grocer. Studies show that Latinos may be more likely to buy healthier foods if small convenient stores offered healthier foods at affordable prices. For instance, one New York program added and promoted healthy food items at local bodegas and it led to more fruit (32% increase in ...

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Physical Activity Releases Brain-Healthy Protein

A growing body of research suggests that physical activity is associated with maintaining a strong and healthy mind, boosting memory and learning, and possibly delaying age-related cognitive decline. A new study supported by the National Institute for Health (NIH) and published in Cell Metabolism found a specific protein secreted by skeletal muscle cells during physical activity that enters the bloodstream and can cross the blood-brain barrier, which is noteworthy because not all proteins cross it. In mice, this protein is thought to be neuro-protective and associated with the production of new neurons in part of the brain associated with memory, thus physical activity induced secretion of this protein may prevent or delay Alzheimer's disease.. Adults who exercise more ...

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Webinar: Exploring Local Ballot Initiatives to Advance Active Transportation Projects

America Walks hosted a webinar, "Exploring Local Ballot Initiatives" to advance active transportation projects, showcasing the tools and resources available at the Center for Transportation Excellence. Three professionals talked about the various ways local ballot initiatives can be used to support and develop projects related to active transportation to make America a great place to walk. Watch the webinar here. Copy and Share: .@AmericaWalks Webinar: "Exploring Local Ballot Initiatives" advance active transportation #ActiveSpaces @SaludToday ...

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Vegetables Can Help Reduce Diabetes Risk

Many people know that vegetables are healthy and better for your body, but can they help reduce health risks like diabetes? New research reports that adults who ate a plant-based diet with few animal products cut their risk of Type 2 diabetes by 20 percent, and 34 percent for healthful plant-based food products like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes. Researchers also noted that diets containing more less healthy plant foods like sweetened beverages, sweets, and refined grains and potatoes, were 16 percent more at risk of diabetes. The study followed more than 200,000 make and female health professionals for over twenty years, collecting data on lifestyle, diets, medical history and disease diagnoses. Dr. Frank Hu, the study's senior author and professor at ...

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New Tool Helps Analyze Transit Connectivity and Health/Economic Equity

Cities are currently striving to understand how mass transit connects to health, economic opportunities, and overall equity. The Center for Neighborhood Technology and TransitCenter, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to improving urban mobility, have released the AllTransit interactive database. Billed as “the largest source of connectivity, access, and frequency data in America,” the site utilizes data from 805 of the largest transit agencies in the country. The tool overlays the data with information about jobs, demographics, and even the location of farmer’s markets. The database provides a wealth of information on how transit serves communities. One of the metrics that AllTransit offers is the AllTransit Performance Score, an index based on transit connectivity, access to ...

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Muchos latinos no se sienten preparados para la píldora que previene el VIH

Muchos latinos se sienten no estar preparados para tomar el medicamento que previene el VIH conocido como preEP , informa NPR. Según la CDC 1 en 36 hombres latinos serán diagnosticados con VIH en su vida. En 2012 Truvada una "profilaxis pre-exposición", fue aprobado por la FDA como una píldora de prevención contra el VIH cuando se toma correctamente y puede reducir el riesgo en más de un 90 por ciento. La droga, que bloquea la propagación del virus en el cuerpo puede llegar a costar hasta $ 1,300 al mes. Pero, aunque la mayoría de los seguros y los programas de Medicaid; y también los gobiernos locales cubren una parte del precio para los residentes sin seguro, los expertos creen que el alto precio y estigmas culturales en torno a las relaciones homosexuales podrían ...

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Understanding Sugar on the New Nutrition Label

A few things are changing on the nutrition label that may help consumers be more aware of the amount of sugar that is in products and their overall daily diet. A recent article explains a few key things about the new label, pointing out the importance of consumers to think about their diet- especially in regard to added sugars. Sugar is now an important change on labels, where grams were once the only indicator, now a percentage of what is recommended for daily sugar consumption will also inform consumers of added sugars in products. Also, the added processed sugars will be clearly separated from sugars that are already naturally in products. Professor Dr. John Satzberg explained in the same article that this will hopefully guide consumers away from products with a lot of added ...

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