Parental involvement with Parents United for Healthy Schools/Padres Unidos para Escuelas Saludables continues to grow as more parents learn of the healthy changes that are occurring at schools across Chicago. One recent meeting which took place at the National Museum of Mexican Art brought together 100 parents who were interested in campaigning for healthier meals in schools, better physical activity programs, and healthy school fundraisers. ...
Aleyda Sanchez, a student from James Bowie elementary, a Healthy Zone school that participates in the Fuel Up to Play 60 program, was recognized at the White House as one of four National Student Ambassadors, during 2012. ...
Students and residents living near the Bringhurst and Hailey Street Roadway crossings can now look forward to a new bridge which will help pedestrians and cyclists cross railroad tracks. Construction for the Bringhurst bridge is scheduled to begin by mid ...
ABC Smart Cookies is the company behind the production of Girl Scout Cookies. This website makes misleading claims about the nutritional quality of the new Mango Creme with NutriFusion cookies. ...
Angela Glover Blackwell, CEO of PolicyLink discusses the role that the built environment plays in supporting a healthy lifestyle. Although, Colorado sports lower obesity rates than most other states, Blackwell mentions that obesity rates among black and Latino children are still surprisingly high. ...
The Highland Park Parklet is the first from a series of four parklets to be established as part of a pilot program, which will seek to create a more active living environment for residents of Los ...
Berry Elementary will benefit from having a Spark Park thanks to the efforts of Principal Deborah Silber and funds that come from the district's $805 million bond program. About 150 Houston Independent School District (HISD) schools already benefit from this program and other schools are currently in the process of developing plans to get a Spark Park at their school. Parks are mostly funded through federal grants; still schools and the school district are required to raise funds as well. The park at Berry elementary will feature art work that displays the neighborhood's Hispanic heritage. “We took the interest in the needs of the community and incorporated it into the park,” said Principal Silber. The park will be open to the community and during school hours the park will be ...
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) partnered with the City of Houston to help create a more bikeable community. BCBSTX donated $750,000 to expand the Houston B-cycle program. The generous donation from BCBSTX will help Houston expand to phase two of the Houston B-cycle program. Currently the bike share program only exists at downtown locations. Phase two of the program will expand the B-cycle program's presence into Midtown, Montrose, and the museum district. Plans for a phase three expansion into the Texas Medical Center and to local universities are in the works. ...